先分享一下timeline,这是联合培养项目,所以我先完成HEC的申请,然后收到YALE next steps邮件:
ddl 1/7 压线提交HEC申请 1/15: 收到YALE SOM next steps邮件,需要在kira上录一个视频,类似雅思托福口语
1/31:几天内陆续收到HEC、yale面试邀请,给我发了链接,book interview slot.
2/12:HEC面试 2/13: Yale 面试
2/26:收到HEC 录取信 2/27:收到Yale 录取信,带$15K奖学金
Skype面试,大概20-25min,我的面试官叫Sophie,是AO. 1. why HEC + why this program+ why do you think this program can help you achieve your career goal? (没错,面试官第一句话就连问了我三个问题lol) 2. Why France? give me some example of your understanding about French culture. 3. Will you study French in your free time? (追问了好多关于法国文化和法语的问题,我后来去领英搜面试官信息才知道这位AO是哥大法语系硕士…) 4. What makes you different from other candidate who also wants to do consulting? Why you?(我觉得前几个问题都不太友善,有些紧张,所以这个问题我发挥的不是很好。但我估计这个问题其实是最关键的,所以在后来的thank-you letter补充了一下答案,后来 Sophie就说帮我把邮件share给jury了!!亲测有效!大家参考下我这个亡羊补牢的做法,当然要挑重点,不要写得太啰嗦) 5. Will you do gap year? When,where and why? 6. Can you tell me your most unforgettable international experience? (说了英国商赛),what’s your role in this competition?(coordinator) 7. You mentioned you want to do digital consultant,so can you tell a company that has really good digital strategy? (说了欧莱雅) 8. So why do you want to be a digital consultant rather than working in L’oreal? 9. Let’s talk about your experience in the UK, how do you like it? what did you do in your free time (问到交换的时候全程黑脸的面试官终于笑了。。。) 11. Is there any question for me? (就问了关于在法国找实习的事情,回答建议你在GAP year找,而且要好好练法语) 个人觉得最重要的是问题1+4,大家可以着重准备。还有一个建议,面试整体的感觉要从容不迫,因为我面了挺多学校(HEC,YALE,DUKE FOB,LBS MiM),感觉最challenging的是Hec,听说其他人面HEC也是差不多的情形,所以不要被吓到,随机应变,展现出自己商业精英的气质,可以大大加分。我在面试的时候都是一直微笑着回答问题,面试官再怎么黑脸我都很开心地回答她,这样确实可以帮助自己放松,也给面试官留下一个很好的印象。
也是AO面,人非常nice,一共面25min,一开始拉家常她都说了5分钟hhhh,,没有HEC问的那么有针对性,比较general behavior question,简单写一下 1. Self-introduction 2. Why do you choose this major for undergraduate study? Why this school? (问了我本科学校,因为是和耶鲁有合作的学校) 3. Why M2M? Why Yale? 4. International experience 5. Exchange experience,what did you do? 6. Your contribution to YALE SOM 7. Any questions.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 个人BG如下,供大家参考:
国内top5 985,国际政治专业,GPA 3.80,WES 3.91,英国交换一学期,雅思8.0,GMAT 760,三实习:咨询+外企互联网+中企互联网,