1. How do you manage stress? 2. 你学英语有什么concerns? What strategy are you currently using to improve your English language proficiency? 3. What do you think are the best and most challenging aspects of coming to study in Brock next year? Why do you choose Canada? 4. Graduate programs at Goodman require a substantial a mount of group work. Tell me about a time when you were working with a group (好像你作为leader的一个实例)What did you do, and what was the outcome? 5. Tell me about your undergraduate studies. 你认为你的biggest success是什么? 6. Tell me about a time when you met with someone from a different country, 你觉得在build relationship 时有什么困难? 7. 还有一题想不起来了。是之前没见过的新题,但是也是关于工作经历的,我就自己发挥着答了。 8. 写作:How do you think goverments should address the lack of economic opportunity and employment for young adults?
录制: 使用的是MAC Air设备,笔记本摄像头检测不到(电脑本身有问题),买了一个外接的摄像头用就可以了,设备测试秒过。 整个过程比较顺利,也没有出现网络断掉的问题,不过因为个人太拖拉,还是在半夜完成的。之前看到帖子说,如果遇到不熟悉的题目,果断切断网络重连,就会出现新题。这个我在practice的时候试了一下,貌似只要我说话了(就是录像中声音被detected了)就会自动录下,只要网络重新连上,就给我秒传了,不存在网络中断然后给我刷新一道题的机会。只有在我完全没说话,然后直接点击下一题的时候,系统会提示我未检测到我的audio,请重试。这样可以重新刷新这个题,不过我没敢在正式录制的时候做实验,遇到不熟的题也就自己硬答了。
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