从09年混迹CD,那时候申请海外本科,到13年来刷G和研究生,到20年来刷MBA。我能说CD陪我一起变老么 (笑cry)
简单介绍下,加本加硕加拿大五百强总部战略分析师,辞职创业,时机不太好,之前选的项目没做好,新选的项目发现天花板低,所以想回北美学一学东西,目标行业互联网non tech pm,想积累一些互联网的产品经验,如果合适,未来还是希望继续创业。
我申请和录取的是 UBC的MBA+Yale的MAM。这个项目是你在UBC MBA修第一年,然后去Yale跟着他们的MBA修第二年,然后你拿个双学位。你可以获得两边的校友网和资源。
特殊背景:UBC校友,之前UBC MMOR项目毕业(也就是现在的MBAN)
这个项目,个人理解是比直接申请Yale MBA容易,每个合作学校每年可以有1-3个人去yale,UBC这边竞争一般,估计30-50%概率,但是其他合作院校比如HK那边的,20多个人申请录取2-3个,所以,难度也跟你选的MBA院校有关。我调研过MAM的人linkedin,确实比MBA稍微弱一点,但是整体来说,除了为了照顾合作院校我感觉yale尽可能在每个院校都要录取一个人这种节奏(当然太差的肯定还是不行),其他大部分MAM的录取的人,其实申请美帝S16还是可以的,只是不一定可以M7。换而言之,MAM是比Yale MBA更容易,但是也没有说真的水,毕竟yale一直都很小心自己的名声,要去跟自己MBA第二年的人一起上课,录取的人显然需要能跟得上才行。
我1月下旬开始做program research的时候列的小提纲: 1. 查学校SOM介绍 MAM介绍 CD和谷歌面试经验
2. 查新的dean的情况,学校的理念
3. 查校友的去向,就业方向,创业方向。中加美校友的情况
4. 文书,面试,分数。
5. UBC这边的申请逻辑,耶鲁和未来规划的关系
6. 联系linkedin校友和朋友圈
我在梳理背景的时候思考的问题: 1. 我大学以来都做了什么(我是怎样的人)。大事记 2. 然后,我未来想做什么,职业规划? 3. UBC能给我什么? 4. Yale能给我什么? 5. 为什么他们应该选择我,我能带给他们项目什么? 6. 我是怎样的一个人?我希望他们看到怎样的我?
UBC https://www.sauder.ubc.ca/programs/masters-degrees/ubc-mba
Yale https://som.yale.edu/programs/mam
Yale MAM情况:
8月开学,9个月项目,今年新出来一个management science方向,可以走STEM,三年工签。
This year’s class includes alumni of 19 of the schools.Twenty-six citizenships are represented, 41% are women, and 25% are fromAfrica. The students’ average age is 30. 51% have completed or are completing an MBA in a countryother than their home country, and 32% have worked in more than one country.
毕业去向包括: MAM graduates have secured employment with leading organizations around the world, including Accenture, Amazon, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Apple, Bain & Co., Bank of America, BCG, Capital One, CBRE, Citi, Credit Suisse, Emerson, Facebook, GE, GM, Google, IBM, the International Finance Corporation, KPMG, McKinsey & Company, Microsoft, Novartis, NY Green Bank, Priceline, PWC, Rakuten, Shell Oil, Siemens, Tencent, and the World Economic Forum.
学校课程设置:https://som.yale.edu/programs/mam/curriculum 只有两个必修课,去之前最好看好课程,这样可以更好的利用在yale的时间。 选修课列表:
The mission of the Yale School of Management is to educate leaders for business and society.
可以参加的社团: https://som.yale.edu/programs/mba/the-student-experience/student-clubs-groups
这个链接是MBA的,对,因为MAM的链接给的不完整,根据我的调查,我阅读了MAM自己发的blog,发现他们学生参加了MBA的club,然后我发现student club是人人都可以参加的,但是professional是只有MBA和MAM可以的。所以根据我的调查来看,MAM其实除了少了MBA第一年的课程和各种资源和实习,在第二年来说,跟MBA的东西权限完全一样的。诚然,其实MBA的第一年很重要,那个实习也很值钱,但是...
庞颖是校友,她的页面https://som.yale.edu/profile/ying-pang-18-0 她目前在新加坡BCG
跟母校关系:Among top business schools,Yale SOM is the most connected to our parent university. 第一,SOM要成为商学院当中与主体大学结合最为紧密的一个。尤其是在有耶鲁大学这样享誉世界的大学;
第三,SOM要成为复杂世界各个行业培养人才的中心。Connectacross Disciplines and Sectors
文书题目: Describe a time when you had a significant impact on a person, group or organization. What did you learn from this experience? (500 words maximum) Please describe your short-term post-MAM (1-3 year) career goals. (200 words maximum) Please describe your long-term (5-10 year) career goals. (200 words maximum) How will the MAM program help you reach your short- and long-term goals? (200 words maximum) Optional Information:If any aspect of your candidacy needs further explanation, or if you need to provide any additional information for the Admissions Committee to consider, please provide a brief description here. (200 words maximum)
网申题目里面可能需要写的字数多一点的: Please provide any additional information you feel will help us more fully understand your career progression. (150 words maximum) If you have had any post-undergraduate gaps in full-time employment greater than three months (other than for graduate study), or if you are currently unemployed, please explain. (150 words maximum)
Please list up to five (5) interests, activities or professional affiliations that you feel would give the admission committee a broader sense of your candidacy. This can be any type of activity, including extracurricular activities, sports, volunteer work, research/academic activities, employment or work-study during school, familial roles or responsibilities, professional affiliations or hobbies. For each activity, list the name and location of the organization, the starting and ending dates, the amount of time you have devoted to the activity, and a brief description of the nature of your involvement. Do not include work or internship experience in this section. Description of Involvement (50 words maximum)
然后Yale有一个kira和一个skype正式面。 Kira: 很固定三个问题,第一个问题 Whydo you decide to pursue MAM at this point of time?和你的长短期目标,我没料到还问了我长短期目标,导致我回答太快,一紧张,40s就说完了。。我就神奇的点了结束...不过这样也好,很多人担心自己太紧张说太快或者没说完,其实只要你主要意思说清楚了,英语也是流利的,其实对方不会因为你提前或者没说完太计较,这不是正好显得你不是背答案了(笑 第二个问题是behavior,第三个是agree与否。我记得我遇到了一个原题,一个新题。建议去之前多练习,不是为了遇到原题,是为了习惯性能够遇到问题有个答案。 这个世界上,了解一个人的方式就那么多,问来问去就那么些事情,其实看多了,遇到啥问题都能瞎掰出来点东西。
正式面试: 完全跟其他人面经一样,我感觉MAM因为你已经录取MBA了,且对方看你材料就知道你什么人了,kira也知道你口语了,skype更多就是更进一步了解你,但是你出乎对方意料的可能性不是很大了。 面试问题完全围绕个人背景的:先自我介绍 1 你本科为啥出国 2 为啥学这个研究生 3 为啥做第一个工作 4 为啥辞职创业 5 为啥想读MBA MAM 6 你觉得你能给MAM 贡献啥 7 你的长短期职业目标 8 你已经录取UBC了吗。对。明明上周就告诉他们的人了,估计他们现在coronavirus也是兵荒马乱的,互相之间还没通气吧。 9 你有啥问题问我。我说第一个问题就是你刚才问我的那个录取时间的问题,啥时候给结果。第二个就是,你们对MAM的expectation。其实她没听懂我问题。她回答的是希望我们多参与活动这些。其实我是想问,Yale已经有MBA EMBA silver scholar项目,我能理解做MMS是因为想有一些年轻的小孩来SOM,那MAM是为啥?如果只是希望更多国际化多元化,完全可以MBA多招点国际学生和国际背景的就好了呀?MBA名气比MAM大那么多,申请人也多那么多。难道说只是为了跟全球合作院校建立更紧密的关系?还是说跟之前某些小道消息文章说的一样,是因为之前的院长希望扩招MBA但是被反对了,所以各种开合作项目来变相扩招?诚然。。这些话我没敢说。。怕影响录取结果。。。准备以后找机会问一下 说20-25分钟,但是大概有快30分钟吧。
Application Deadlines Round 1 January 7, 2020 Decision February 11, 2020
Round 2 February 25, 2020 Decision March 31, 2020
Round 3 April 14, 2020 Decision May 12, 2020
项目三个方向:新开了个Technology & Analytics Leadership,然后还有finance,Product + service management,Innovation + entrepreneurship
学校的mentor program:https://www.sauder.ubc.ca/programs/masters-degrees/ubc-mba/career-development/mentorship-training-programs
Strategy Consulting Mentorship Program 就是我说的那个,你过了模考基本上MBB第一轮面试是有的
MBA学生会:http://www.mbasociety.ca/ 注意 上面有tab可以选择看那些club。。我没点出来,大家自己弄一下
UBC 的club选择
项目长度:16 months full-time,Aug 2020 - Dec 2021 如果你是MAM的双学位,你第二年直接去yale。
Canadian students:
1st Round: Oct 22, 2019
2nd Round: Jan 15, 2020
Final Round: Apr 28, 2020
International students:
1st Round: Oct 22, 2019
Final Round: Apr 7, 2020
学费:Canadian students $49,419 CAD,International students $83,263 CAD
海外交换机会:Global Immersion+Business Exchange
The following questions will allow the Admissions Committee to learn more about you. Please answer them concisely. Each written answer CANNOT be more than the specified word limit.
Only words within the limit will be read for admission purposes.
For the 500 word essay you may wish to attach the essay in a Word document (.doc or .docx).
The mandatory video answer must be kept available online until you have received an admissions decision. For complete instructions on how to submit the video, please see
the following instructions.
Short Answer Questions. (200-word limit on each)
What motivates you to pursue an MBA at this time? (200 Words)
Why do you feel Sauder's MBA Program is a good fit for you? How do you plan to get the most out of your MBA journey and the cohort community? (200 Words)
Long Answer Question (500 word limit)
The UBC MBA program prepares leaders who seek to create value for the world. Please describe a situation in which you created value for an organization or group. What was the outcome? We encourage you to consider your contributions in both professional and community settings.
Video Essay (60-90 seconds)
Please respond to the following question, in video format (60-90 seconds) and upload it to either YouTube or Vimeo and provide the video's URL in the space provided. While creativity is encouraged, kindly note that it is mandatory for you to appear in the video. For complete instructions, please download the instructions: PDF
What is one of the biggest challenges business leaders face today? How will the MBA equip you to respond to that challenge? (60-90 seconds)
实地 Natalie面试
1. 你为什么是best candidate for这个项目 (没准备)
2. 你supervisor给你的constructive feedback
3. 你如果可以回到过去 想给自己说什么
4. 告诉我一个你简历上没有的事情
5. 长短期目标 你为何可以实现你的长短期目标
6. 为啥这个时间mba
7. 为啥sauder
8. 如果朋友 如何形容你
9. under pressure的事情
10. supervisor跟你意见不一
11. 能给项目贡献啥
我可能说太快了 导致问了一堆问题 才问够30min
Yale还有一个M2M 跟 MIT 的 MMS 类似,是跟不同大学合作的,MIT那个合作的都是亚洲的大学,Yale的M2M好像只合作了四个大学,其中有UBC。M2M我感觉好像都可以同时申请,只是MAM不可以。
换而言之,如果想去Yale MAM,需要先进入Yale合作的MBA院校,拿个好的MBA成绩,然后申请Yale MAM,可以读完MBA之后几年再去,或者第一年读完马上去。