Day 2
1:引出了Black这一话题 2:大部分颜色对不同的人都有不同的含义。但是,黑色的象征意义却是共通的 3:物理学家认为黑色是由于没有光线,但是很多艺术家并不这么认为 4:印裔英国艺术家安尼什·卡普尔对黑色做了最新的探索 5:在古埃及、中国和罗马,黑色被使用在白色的背景上;在欧洲学会合成黑色涂料之前,真正的黑色是很难得到的,早期艺术家使用的黑色纯度都不够 6:由coal, lampblack or ivory制成的黑涂料混合了亚麻籽油之后才创造了纯正的黑色光泽。 7:Palmer对于黑色的看法 8:EM对于黑色的看法 9:运用黑色能创造一种全新的绘画语言 10:试图赋予黑色以死亡之外的含义,《黑色方块》标志着现代艺术的转折点 11:M对于美国的抽象派产生了巨大的影响,但是终究不敌时间对于黑色广场的摧残。 12:艺术家发现可以用绘画来立体地描绘物体。“超级黑”的出现似乎将物体完全抹除了。
1. Most colours represent different things for different people. 2. It is bound up with witchcraft, the underworld, night-time and the far side of the Moon. 3. For the viewer, as for the artist, these works are another step in the quest for the meaning of black.
pan∙theon noun 1. (technical 术语) all the gods of a nation or people • (一国或一个民族信仰的)众神,诸神: »the ancient Egyptian pantheon 古埃及众神 2. (formal) a group of people who are famous within a particular area of activity • (统称某一领域的)名人,名流
en∙liven verb [VN] • (formal) to make sth more interesting or more fun • 使更有生气(或活力)
con∙vex adj. • (of an outline or a surface 外形或表面) curving out • 凸出的;凸面的: »a convex lens / mirror 凸透镜;凸镜
vexed / vekst / adj. 1. ~ question / issue a problem that is difficult to deal with • (指问题等)棘手的,伤脑筋的 【SYN】 thorny : »The conference spent days discussing the vexed question of border controls. 会议花了几天的时间讨论边境关卡这个难题。 2. ~ (at / with sb / sth) (old-fashioned) upset or annoyed • (指人)恼火,烦恼,伤脑筋
plumb / plQm / verb [VN] • (literary) to try to understand or succeed in understanding sth mysterious • 探索;钻研;探究 【SYN】 fathom : »She spent her life plumbing the mysteries of the human psyche. 她毕生探索人类心灵的奥秘。 adv. 1. (used before prepositions 用于介词前) exactly • 恰恰;正好: »He was standing plumb in the middle of the road. 他站在路正中间。 2. (old-fashioned, NAmE, informal) completely • 完全;彻底: »He's plumb crazy. 他彻底疯了。
con∙coc∙tion noun • a strange or unusual mixture of things, especially drinks or medicines • (古怪或少见的)混合物,调合物,调配品(尤指饮料或药物): »a concoction of cream and rum 奶油和朗姆酒调制的怪味饮料
pal∙ette noun 1. a thin board with a hole in it for the thumb to go through, used by an artist for mixing colours on when painting • 调色板 2. [usually sing.] (technical 术语) the colours used by a particular artist • (画家使用的)主要色彩,主色调: »Greens and browns are typical of Ribera's palette. 绿色和棕色是里贝拉的主色调。
有两大法系——common law system & civil law system——对于女性有不同的保护力,Civil law system对于女性的保护程度更高。New Mexico奉行Spanish law,而New York奉行civil law system。
1、不同法律对于女性保护程度不同,女性的生活体验取决于她生活在奉行common law system的州内还是奉行civil law system的州内 2、civil law system对于女性权益的保护程度高于common law system的保护程度,这一点与常识相反 3、通过对比,说明New Mexico和New York奉行的法律不同 4、具体说明在civil law system下女性的权益是怎么被保障的
1、Women throughout the colonies lived in patriarchal social systems that limited their autonomy and power. 2、Nevertheless, a comparison of women’s lives under two different colonial legal regimes shows that women gained tangible benefits from civil law systems that they did not enjoy under common law.
en∙coun∙ter verb [VN] 1. to experience sth, especially sth unpleasant or difficult, while you are trying to do sth else • 遭遇,遇到(尤指令人不快或困难的事) »We encountered a number of difficulties in the first week. 我们在第一周遇到了很多困难。 »I had never encountered such resistance before. 我以前从未遇到过这么大的阻力。 2. (formal) to meet sb, or discover or experience sth, especially sb / sth new, unusual or unexpected • 偶然碰到;意外地遇见;与…邂逅 »She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered. 她是他所见到过的最出色的女性。
dowry noun (pl. -ies) 1. money and / or property that, in some societies, a wife or her family must pay to her husband when they get married • (新娘的)嫁妆,陪嫁 2. money and / or property that, in some societies, a husband must pay to his wife's family when they get married • (新郎给新娘家的)彩礼,财礼
exert verb [VN] 1. to use power or influence to affect sb / sth • 运用;行使;施加: »He exerted all his authority to make them accept the plan. 他利用他的所有权力让他们接受这个计划。 »The moon exerts a force on the earth that causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力引起潮汐。 2. ~ yourself to make a big physical or mental effort • 努力;竭力: »In order to be successful he would have to exert himself. 他必须努力才能成功。
tangible benefits 显著实惠,有形利益 The plan brought few tangible benefits to the poor. 这个计划没有给穷人带来多少实际好处。