好了,我的开始了~一个很和善很和善的外国MAN,一见我先说Hello, 我也赶紧说Hello Mr
然后递上I20, DS160,PASSPORT和中信银行签证收据,他看完又都还给我了。我立刻主动递上我的academic materials,
VO: So, u are going to UTD hah?
me: yeah, (...slience)
VO: What is your current major?
me: my current major is business japanese.
VO:u are going to study Marketing?
me: yes. I know there is a big difference between my current major and ....blablabla......
VO: Is it not a MBA?
me: No, it is just a master program.
VO: Have you ever take GRE or sth?
me: yes, i have taken GMAT 3 times.
VO: Is that funny?
me: NO!
VO: What is your favorite movie?
me: Beautiful mind(其实我很惊讶。。。大家以后要注意积累细节啊!)
VO:okay, have fun with your...
me: 继续用寻求确认的眼神看他
VO:U are good!