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Issue 89 版主辛苦了

发表于 2013-3-1 13:45:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Claim: Many problems of modern societycannot be solved by laws and the legal system.

Reason: Laws cannot change what is inpeople's hearts or minds.

Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on whichthat claim is based.

Granted that hitherto many problems couldnot be solved via law measures, however, the definition of law according to St.Thomas Aquinas, "nothing else than an ordinance of reason for the commongood, make by him who care of the community, and promulgated", impliesthat law's object is addressing daily problems in society. Thus, the reason, "lawscannot change what is in people's hearts or minds", is plausible butactually improper. The claim could not be firmly grounded by the reason.

It is unarguable that basic to societycontrol, social order, social justice, dispute settlement, and social change isthe laws and legal system. One of the crucial roles of law is promoting andmaintaining this social cohesion in which apparently/obviously/undoubtedly/unarguablyincluding solving people's problems. So the reason why those problems ofcontemporary cannot be settled by existing laws is notmerely/only/barely/simply relates to the character of laws. One possibleexplanation is that the expense of enforcing laws is so heavy that we couldafford to implement these laws. For example, the criterion of education couldnot be identified by laws. The education's problems are merely limited byethics. There can hardly make a standard of the teacher's performances. Onecould hardly tell whether the teacher is devoted himself in education or hejust finishes his daily job. Such issues to a great extent belong to ideologyso they can hardly to limited via laws. Yet we cannot adduce that many problemsof modern society cannot be solved by laws and legal system is simply becausethey cannot change people's minds and ideology.

In addition, the author fails to realize theextent/degree to which laws and legal system can channel people's hearts andminds in view of its precise function at social control and social order. As ahighly specialized form, the subordination of people’s inappropriate actions tolaws’ force demonstrates laws’ capacity of influencing people’ mind. Forinstance, one may detest another person extraordinarily however he will notmurder the person because he afraid of being punished by legal system. Anotherexample, drivers may give up driving cars after drinking stimulants consideringthe fine and punishment. So in these circumstances, laws make for peopleavoiding do something wrong. Then, they affect people's morality.

The most significant point is theintrinsic/immanent flaws/defects/imperfections of legal systemmostly/mainly/basically/generally/primarily lead to some social problems failto be addressed. Laws are ought to shift according to contemporary status quo.The system is supposed to be completed continually in order to cater to thesocial variances. For example, the problem of legalizing same-sex marriage andeuthanasia and abortion debate in the United States are require to be addressedthrough establish relevant statutes.

As is mentioned above, many problems whichcannot be solved heretofore though a legal measure are not so much laws lackingof ability to change people's minds as the defects of laws self. Consolidatingthe legal system, as far as I am concerned, is required to be emphasized.
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发表于 2013-3-2 14:32:08 | 只看该作者

这是是先回答yes or no,然后论述。能,为什么能,不能,为什么不能。就这样的逻辑。

 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-2 21:58:01 | 只看该作者
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