有道理的。MBA就是一个full time的管理培训,大家都经历过各种培训,能有多少提高?最可怜的就是本身loser,被商学院强力忽悠进去读了mba,成天幻想能出人头地,最后毕业才发现还是原地踏步,但由于被衡量的尺度提高了,所以更加loser。此乃人间悲剧!
I cannot agree with your topic. You can share your opinion but cannot draw a conclusion like this. It really does mislead other potentials. I want to say it depends..... "Garbage in, garbage out!" That is MBA! Please keep in mind... -- by 会员 fly12404 (2012/11/22 14:25:25)
"Garbage in, garbage out!" 的白话文解读就是:mba屁用没有,you are still who you are -- by 会员 ctoi (2012/11/22 14:34:35)