今天在berkeley参加了一个workshop,主题是choosing the right professional school,主持人是Eric Abrams, Diversity Directorfor Haas School Of Business, 就是Berkeley的商学院,我做了些笔记,心理斗争一下后,决定跟大家分享,可以看看美国人和美国的admissionoffice是怎么看问题的:
- Apply to academic schools? Make sure there are morethan one faculty in the area you want to study in.
- Apply for professional schools (law, business,medical)? Make sure it fits. For example, the atmosphere in the class. Cooperative?Aggressive? What do you like? How is the school?
- How to know if the school fits? 1.alumni orcurrent student; 2.visit
- How does admission committee work? Seq: 1. Scan yourtranscription; 2. Scan GT; 3. Scan PS,CV
- Transcription(not GPA) > GT. Admission officecan find stories in your transcription but not GPA or GT. For example, you didn'tdo well in 2nd year? Oh, your parent divorce. I see.
- Do you solve the problems other quit? Do youface challenge other avoid? Do you make a difference in your thing you care (thesame to MBA, do you make a difference in your workplace)? Write it down in PS,CV
- The workplace or the company doesn’t matter. Thepoint is: do you make a difference?
- Admission office only cares about 2 things: 1.Can you do the work/How do you contribute to the school? 2. Who are you/ Whythis school? 5,6,7 point to thing1; 9 – 12 point to thing2.
- Have lunch with your recommenders. Tell themyour story. Ask them to write you a strong and relative recommendation letter.
- The position of the recommender doesn't matter. Ifthe person knows you and tells how you are related to the program, it’s good.
- Essay: how the school helps you? If your essaycan work for 2 schools, rewrite it.
- Use things you like. Humor. Your personality. Whoare you?
- No working experience, no MBA schools. If youdon’t have working experience, you don’t have enough reasons to apply for MBA.Think about what people do in MBA.
- Send thank note after interview.
- What Business Schools want:
- Admissions Puzzle: Getting the Mix of B-SchoolStudents Right
- Studies show race-neutral college admissionscould work
- I read 3 ,4,6, and realize graduatedschools focus on DIVERSITY and WHO YOU ARE