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- 2012-4-7
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- 1970-1-1
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上海中学 Colleges and universities should require all faculty to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.
One month ago, all the showerheads on the first five floors of Sunnyside Towers were modified to restrict the water flow to approximately one-third of its original flow. Although actual readings of water usage before and after the adjustment are not yet available, the change will obviously result in a considerable savings for Sunnyside Corporation, since the corporation must pay for water each month. Except for a few complaints about low water pressure, no problems with showers have been reported since the adjustment. Clearly, restricting water flow throughout all the twenty floors of Sunnyside Towers will increase our profits further." 这次题目都是一样的嘛..可惜我这篇issue没写过.....
中了寂静的..阅读那个purple什么的..还是没看懂....verbal加试做的我什么都想不起来了..就知道自己当时一个劲的想赶紧考完...不好意思.. 填空真是记不得了..真佩服以前报寂静的同学们..你们太强了...什么conventionality, pellucid, questionable, leerway(这个不认识),反正选项是大都看的懂的..就是后面两个V逻辑很搞..看多了就乱了= = 三空好像也没那么难..就是做多了还是有点糊涂..同学们还是要多多练习练习
数学就记得问了个六边形,让你比它当中的那条对角线和与这条对角线垂直的那条的长短 还有就是那个有同学提到的方差的什么几组和X比大小... 还有什么如果rt=8 那么r+t 和12比大小 还有一道多选挺纠结的..说什么X是Y和22的平均数,Y是X和33的平均数 然后有三个选项1.X>Y, 2.X-22=Y-33, 3.X和Y的平均数是16的..数字不一定完全对..反正就是这样 还有也碰到寂静看到那个RS的..但是我看到是问S percent of R percent of 200..答案有rs200,rs/50,rs20之类。。 有一个图形题是正方形旁边接一个直角三角形 然后告诉你正方形周长24和一条边的一部分是4和直角三角形的斜边10..最后问你一条直角边+正方形边上那一点没告诉你的是多少...我当时看成长方形了..直接完全懵掉..后来才反应过来..应该就是答案应该是10 哎呀我也就能想起来那么点..数学实在是考的太差..自己都没想到数学考那么烂...真是... 只好再来一次了.....
祝下次的同学好运吧..就这样 |