Cooooool... "friends and relatives in HK"
very likely. I have friends and relatives in HK, and I plan to work in HK after graduation. This is a key reason I applied for HKUST.
YES... Are you gonna take the HKUST offer? I saw you also applied for other schools in the US.
direct offer is good... I need to provide a couple more documents... BTW, I saw you on facebook...^_^
没condition么就不是conitional offer了嘛 恭喜  -- by 会员 g2310 (2012/1/27 13:11:37)
恩。看到申请网站上面写的状态是Direct Offer。原来还有这种称呼。 -- by 会员 JTong (2012/1/27 15:52:32)
-- by 会员 zj_stpaul (2012/1/27 16:56:38)
-- by 会员 JTong (2012/1/27 19:08:47)
-- by 会员 zj_stpaul (2012/1/27 20:14:11)
-- by 会员 JTong (2012/1/27 23:17:46)