0.0 know how to use google.com and baidu.com and how to search in CD
0. take gmat test, toefl test, cal your 3years gpa.
(the hardest part,take you at least 1-3 years)
1. search chase 录取汇报,给自己定位,using GPA,GMAT, toefl, resume, intern....
(maybe 1-2 days)
2. define 3 tiers, each tier 7-8 schools. by speciality, by school rank, by region, by chase reputation
(all can be done within 1-2 days)
3. print out all these 15 schools admission pages, requirement, all information. read all FAQ, read class profile
(it will be several days. but you can do it during preparing GMAT and TOEFL rest time, first you need know how much you may get on GandT)
4.writing essay and resume during prepaing GT, it is 2nd hardest part. probally will take you 1-2 months. 1 hour each day.
you need find many friends to do proofreading, you may need send to some agent to rewrite suchas essayedge etc....
5. fill out everything on online application. you can do it during preparing GMATandT when you are tired. probaly 20 schools 2-3days if full time to do this.
6.send all materials out maybe 1day enough.
7. wait.....
what you need.
4.credit card from bankofchina or zhongxin or zhaohang
-- by 会员 zhoujing0323 (2010/4/1 20:38:22)