这是我在没有看任何模板资料,基于托福作文的基础写的第一篇issue,因为时间紧急(10月14日考试),一直很恐惧作文,今天才开始看作文,基础也不好,所以想请大家对我的处女作多做评价和指点,比如问题在哪?有什么不足或者严重错误,或是这篇文章根本不够格之类的,这样我可以有针对性的复习,大家有什么说什么,今天上来就是来学习的!我知道自己水平十分有限,所以很希望得到大家的指点,我会虚心接受大家宝贵的建议的。最后弱弱的问一句有经验的同学或是作文复习了的同学,我这篇文章大致可以打什么分数,进步的空间怎么样?谢谢大家了,请多指教!(我写的字数是338字) 题目:“In some countries,television and radio programs are carefully censored for offensive language and behavior. In other countries, there is little or no censorship.”In your view, to what extent should government or any other group be able to censor television or radio programs? Explain, giving relevant reasons and/or examples to support your position. With the development of technologies and globalization nowadays, television programs both from the gross market and from abroad have taken most of people’s recreational times. In some countries there is a censorship for improper language which may bring awful influence to people, however in some other countries there is little of no such censorship protecting people from being influenced. In my view, some offensive language and behavior indeed should be censored carefully at a strict standard.
In the first place, since television and radio programs have large influence power on our daily speaking and activities, especially on children who are easy to imitate what they have learnt from what they have touched. Children are too young to tell what is right so that the only way for them to learn more about the world and to grow up is to imitate what they have learnt from their daily life.
In the second place, evil programs not only hurt children but also do harm to the adults and the whole society for they may cause some immoral and unsteady social problems. Many people may say that what are shown on television and radio programs are just picked out from our life, which in turn suggests that what we’ve practiced in our daily life mostly are learnt from television and radio programs. Such mutual effect forces the government to strictly censor what might be exposed to people on the television and radio programs.
However people opposed to the censorship of television and radio programs may argue that a freely expression of all kinds of language and behavior shows democracy in our society. However in my assessment, a democracy society based on immoral and evil will not be safe and happy, and will finally lead to a fade out to a country.
In sum, I suppose a restriction on the offensive language and behavior that are shown on television and radio programs is valuable and worthwhile, not only for the individuals in the society but also for a country as a whole.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-17 23:49:53编辑过] |