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[校友答疑] (12.11更新)University Whitman School of Business MS in Accounting (MSA) Live Chat

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发表于 2015-11-25 12:04:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1st Info Session 答疑汇总[11.24更新]
Q1.Which aspects about the program do you think are highlights?
For CPA Program, the courses are designed for better preparing for CPA exams. Also, our program provide students who don't have Accounting background with introduction to foundations.

Q2. Could you please share the job placement of the MSA program? Thanks.
It depends on students' interests, so you can work with the Career Center to search jobs. As I know, a lot of our students find jobs in Big Four and other midsize CPA firms.

Q3. If I choose the 16-Month Plan, which one do you recommend to apply in the Fall 2016? Internship or full-time? (As of Big Four)
Depending on your condition(start in Fall 2016), I recommend you apply for the internship in Fall 2016 first. Because that internship is for the summer, and you won't have been graduated at that time.

美国这边实习的话,你需要积极的和career center进行互动。他们有很多的资源可以提供。但是internship还是要自己找,我们大概有80%的比例可以在这边找到intern的。所以努力一下,机会还是很大的。

在美国这边没有车确实不是很方便,不过如果你住在on campus的话其实也无所谓了。偶尔要去远的地方的话可以租zip car 这个是租用zip car的网站信息。住宿问题的话grad student也是可以住on campus的房子哦,不过也要自己找。只有undergrad可以住在学校分配的dorm里。

major和minor是针对undergrad才有的哦。如果是MSA的话,有两个elective可以从别的学院选的。如果你对IT方面感兴趣,可以利用这两个elective也就是6个credits去听他们I School的课程。

2nd Info Session 答疑汇总[12.11更新]
Q1. I am quite interested in the MSA program,but I major in International Bussiness and I have learnt financial accounting and foundations of accounting.Do I still have the chance to be enrolled?
Yes, you can apply.  It would be better to finish these pre courses before you apply. Another choice is that you must have these core courseswhen you start your semester here which will cost additional tuition fees and time.

Q2. I have heard that many American universities discriminate IELTS even if they accept IELTS score.So is Syrause university consider IBT better than IELTS?
No, actually we take both score. But make sure you have reach the minimal standard. FYI:I myself took IELTS when I applied and I got enrolled!

Q3. I am also concerned about the employment rate,especially the International student.
We have international students found jobs here but it takes initiative and enthusiasm.

Q4. After finishing this program, do I get enough credits for AICPA?This is the key question. Yes, as long as you finish all the required courses you can take the aicpa exam. I took one last week.

Q5. Does Syracuse require higher GPA for students coming from common university in China?(是不是对非211大学的同学要的GPA比211大学的高,话说大家都是中国人你懂得LOL)

Q6. 我想知道一下去年班级平均雅思,GMAT   and  GPA 这些信息都可以在这个profile里找到。 还有我们的FAQ主页也可以找到一些常见的问题。

Q7. 我们学校大三的课比较多,所以实习经历有点不足,雪城关注实习吗?
Internship是加分项并不是要求,如果有实习的话对申请是有帮助的。不过MS program不会放太多的重点在internship experience上,所以不用太担心。

Q8. 那你申请的时候用中介了吗?有推荐的吗?那也就是说MS program的重点是硬性条件?

Q9. 那这里录取的同学有四大实习的多吗?据说这个非常加分。
valuation是根据你总体情况决了的,如果你的essay好,gpa,resume都不错的话,希望就很大,committee不会只根据Big Four internship来决定录取与否的。

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