以下是引用emilyjiang在2005-7-20 4:04:00的发言:AIA13. “Employers can best motivate employees not through raises and bonuses but rather by offering non-monetary highly-publicized awards for high performance (e.g., employee-of-the-month awards, special parking spaces, personal letters from management, etc.).” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. How to motivate employees is always the one of the top concerns of the management. Someone believes that raises and bonuses are better than non-monetary awards. Others may have contrary view. As far as I am concerned, I think raises and bonuses are main means for motivation of the employees. 1、think这词有点babytalk...改成consider或者believe或者hold an opinion that或者claim或者assert...都成,不过问题不大; 2、第一段写得好简洁~~嘻嘻,所以jj的整篇文章只有300来字,字数有欠缺...可以看看awa区的一些精品模版,把字数充实起来...另外在第一段,最好提一下原文作者的观点:比如在Others may have contrary view后面加上,such as the author of the article mentioned above...这样显得有的放矢...呵呵
The first reason for my view is that it is natural for the employees to think about the raises and bonuses when they have an outstanding performance. Success of a person in the society is often measured by his/her status or wealth, so every one is motivated to pursue his/her success, status or wealth, in the life. Giving the thing the employees desire most will surely satisfy them. If the rewards the high-performance employees expect cannot be granted, the employees will be disappointed. And may be the employees won't be motivated to perform well again. 1、think about还是用ask for比较合适呢? 2、the 去掉。或者加个which在前面。 3、应该是maybe而非may be
The second reason is that raises and bonuses not only brings the material benefits to the employees, but also makes the management's recognition known to the beneficiary . When getting a raise or bonus, the employee knows that his/her efforts are recognized and is informed that the employer appreciates him/her and cares him/her. This kind of spiritual encouragement will surely bring the self-confidence and self-motivation to the employee. 1、单复数对应...以及打字规范:句号和末尾词汇中间的空格多余。
Admittedly, some non-monetary highly-publicized awards for high performance such as employee-of-the-month awards, special parking spaces etc also can play an active role in motivating good employees in terms of spiritual respect. But as discussed above, the raises and bonuses may outweigh non-monetary means. Since the employers don't need to merely select one way and totally neglect the other, the combination of two means works best for motivation of the employees. For example, a high-performance employee receives both raise or bonus and a letter from management with appreciation words, there is no doubt that the employee will be highly encouraged and will be more dedicated in the future.
1、gmat中不允许缩写,don't请写成do not表示书面和正式。
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-22 15:53:14编辑过] |