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发表于 2004-1-8 13:46:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Shuzhen在2004-1-7 10:01:00的发言:


回答另一个网友的问题,别着急,偶想招办看材料说不定是按照字母顺序,偶是12月2日交的,圣诞节前面试的,很普通的问题,why MBA, why Georgetown,等等。

Congrats! Shuzhen bro. Wish you a good luck on Chicago too, you deserve it.
发表于 2004-1-8 14:31:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Shuzhen在2004-1-8 8:47:00的发言:

谢谢飞雪!祝你今年终于能够拿到dream school的offer.偶拿到了offer,肯定会卷铺盖去读书,哪里敢象你去年一样,拿了那么好的offer,还能够清醒的思考自己到底要什么,能够执着地追求自己的梦想。偶很佩服你的自信与实力。所以特在此煽动大家为飞雪喝一声彩!

shuzhen, 你都把我夸的不好意思了。其实我那么伟大,不是我不想走,是美国的签证官不让我走,呵呵。今年如果他们给我机会,我也一定卷起铺盖就走人。
发表于 2004-1-8 19:28:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-1-9 09:25:00 | 只看该作者
George Washington的MBA和马里兰大学的MBA以及Georgetown的MBA都在特区附近,与政府机构打交道较多。
发表于 2004-1-9 11:43:00 | 只看该作者
Congrat Shuzhen and horest.

To PTD...  千万别去emory, though georgetown is kinda lower ranked (just this year), considering location (which is very important for MBA) and the following link, you 'd better choose Georgetown.
From:  BEIJINGLAU   Jan-5 12:47 am  
To:  ALL   (1 of 27)  


I just heard this from a friend who is currently a student at Goizueta. I would like to know if it is true.

1. I was told that the social and academic scene at Goziueta tend to be dominated by a few white male stduents called "BMOC" and their "pre-wed" girlfriends in class. They are presidents of many clubs, involved in the student council, and receive very good grades despite not putting in much effort. When it comes to small group work, they form their own groups after the assigned group breaks up for second semester of the first year. Last year, some people did not want any minorities or international students in their groups. Despite giving weak presentations, the "all-white, fat boys" groups still receive great grades. This was particularly evident in one class. These men and women belonging to the in-groups are well liked by many of the professors and have special "in"s when it comes to job offers and part-time work at school. Some of the jobs they got were not even advertised for the rest of the school's community and over half of the class tends to stay in Atlanta after graduation.

2. Non-white internationals tend to stick together and maintain a very low profile. The African americans form their own group and there is very little interaction between them and the white guys, who drive nice sport cars and live at a place called "Post" near campus. Over the holidays,  there were a few private parties and internationals and minorities are not invited to go! When asked, one supposedly popular girl in class told an international student "you guys would spoil our fun if you come".

I am an international applicant from China and I am very worrying about things like this happening. Is the South like this in general or this is just not  good representation! I heard most of the Chinese students are plain unhappy and wish they have gone elsewhere.

Should I even bother to apply to anywhere else in the South?

Edited 1/5/2004 12:49:27 AM ET by BEIJINGLAU
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  From:  1WONDAQUEEN   Jan-5 8:28 am  
To:  BEIJINGLAU   (2 of 27)  

  50506.2 in reply to 50506.1  

OK - I don't know if the Emory stories are true, but as a Southern (& minority) I have to jump in here.  

NO - THE ENTIRE SOUTH IS NOT LIKE THAT!  Sure there is racism, but I haven't run into anything like you describe in a lo-ong time.  And don't think racism doesn't exist in the northern US because it does.  In my experience (I live in Philly now) - Racism in the south is more blatant - you know who to stay away from.  Racism up north is much more sneaky so you don't always know who you are dealing with.

Just my general opinion...

发表于 2004-1-9 13:59:00 | 只看该作者
southern people are more layback, and friendlier.its hard to make friends with people in big cities up in northeastern US where everyone is very protective.
发表于 2004-1-9 17:27:00 | 只看该作者
congratulation shuzhen
发表于 2004-1-14 11:42:00 | 只看该作者
Get the letter from Georgetown today. 20,000 tuition scholar comes with the offer. I submitted my application on end of Nov. Although I won't go to Georgetown, it is really a nice school.
发表于 2004-1-14 17:55:00 | 只看该作者
哎, 给我20,000 我肯定去 折合需交学费才10,000 多. 多便宜啊.
发表于 2004-1-14 20:40:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用dreambox在2004-1-14 11:42:00的发言:
Get the letter from Georgetown today. 20,000 tuition scholar comes with the offer. I submitted my application on end of Nov. Although I won't go to Georgetown, it is really a nice school.

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