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发表于 2003-12-27 12:25:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Shuzhen在2003-12-26 17:00:00的发言:

偶知道的情况是Washington University的Olin大约在6000-10000,不知道Emory会比Olin多多少?

发表于 2003-12-27 16:34:00 | 只看该作者

Georgetown vs. Olin@Washington
Received two offers. Your opinion is appreciated.

Following is kind of my investigation.

1. Reputation: Olin is a little bit outweighs Georgetown on BusinessWeek(#24 vs. #30) but Georgetown has an absolutely optimistic ranking on Financial Times(#17 worldwide). On a train to New York, an old lady recommended Georgetown to me after knowing my situation. Almost all Americans know Georgetown since previous President Clinton graduated from Georgetown. Nevertheless, I found Olin@Washington is mentioned more in a book about business schools written by an American.

2. Campus & Location: I visited both of the schools in this winter. Georgetown has some gorgeous buildings while Olin has a huge campus. Located in Washington D.C., Georgetown looks crowded and the living expenses are much higher than those at St. Louis. Nevertheless, the mid-west area has less job opportunities.

3. Tuition & Scholarship: The tuitions of two schools are almost same. Georgetown bestowed me more scholarship.

4. Admission Officers: I met all admission officers at Olin. Some of them are very kind while the "famous" dean Greenbaum was cold to me. At Georgetown I only contacted the person who interviewed me in Beijing. He gave me lots of help, including cancelling a $125 parking ticket.


Congratulation on your offers.  Wonderful jobs.

With everything considered, here is some of my humble opinion and for your reference only.

1.  Ranking wise, since they are both in somewhere between 20's, the rankling itself might be not be so important - though I noticed there are 6 difference by the mathmatic caculation.  To me, they are both regional-importance schools.

2. As far as regional concern, Georgetown locates in DC.  And, as you may have known, the line from DC --> Phil. --> NY --> Boston defines one of the most important areas in US - historically and currently.   Not only when you concern the job opportunities, but also, when you regard to the exposure to the power-center (more politically), Georgetown might have better chances.

3. Olin is a good school, no doubt.  Traditionaly, people graduateds in middle west don't have too much chance to go to east coast.  And middle west has been one of the most important area in agriculture, manufacture, etc.

Based on the above analysis, I would strongly suggest you to go over your career development goal before you made any decision.  If I were you, i would like to find out what's the concentration(s) I might want to take; then, try to compare the concentration(s) is two schools.



Georgetown or USC?
georgetown+$10,000scholarship/year 和 usc+$0, 我该选哪个?还有:

1. 有奖学金是否好签一些?(两个学校学费+生活费大致相当)
2. 除了排名的因素,两个学校各有何优劣?
3. 在l.a.有很多朋友,也很喜欢加州的气候。有朋友也说washington是个极美丽的城市。毕业后想去西部发展,还可以选georgetown吗?



If that is the case, if I were you, definately, USC.

The graduate from Gerogetown, as far as I knew, most likely would try to get opportunities alone the east-coast - usally, as you may have known...Boston-NYC is the traindiational finaicial center; and most government (including non-profit and international orgnazation job are based on Maryland-DC-Vig. area).  Especially, under current cloudy economy situation, geographic location might gain you a few of advantage as far as the intern and full-time job landing.

For your reference only,
发表于 2003-12-27 16:38:00 | 只看该作者

麻烦都是自己找得,round 2申请了一捆差不多的学校。被一个稍好一点的学校据了及一个稍差一点的学校waitlisted之后,现在给我回答的有:

Indiana Univ.(kelley):年费4万2千左右,现在没给我奖。询问后被告知正在reevaluation中,估计戏不大,同时被告知,去年21个中国学生中5个给了奖,其中大部分是3000块。

Washington Univ.(olin):年费4万5钱多,有个安慰奖,减去后比IU便宜3、5千块。


刚刚面试完UT-austin和CMU,会在一两周内有结果吧?反正排名什么的都差不多,给钱的概率也很小。就暂且放到一起让大家看看吧 :)



我是工程(计算机系统)背景,申请时的初衷是想以strategy作concentration,想将来在management/technology consulting方向工作。但是我finance也很有好感(还不太懂,不敢说兴趣)又受到一群工程背景的financial manager的鼓动,有些心动。对将来,我希望最好能工作两、三年后再回国发展。当然,如果这两年的商校生活就能使我成功转型的话,毕业就回来更好。




hard,我的背景和你比较象,你能够介绍一下你认识的工程背景的financial manager的情况吗?
关于CMU得placement的情况,我可以介绍一下,我大概两个月前和一个second year的中国学生谈过,情况是这样:总体上大约40%得CMU学生拿到了offer,中国学生里面,大约60%得达到了offer,他们主要的area是operation management。另外,据我所至,CMU不会给外国学生奖学金的。不过first year的中国学生只有一个拿到了internship offer,还是很惨的。

比较牛的一个是git的本科,好像是机械的。columbia的mba,在一个牛汽车公司里作finance manager。现派到中国作些投资、市场分析啥的,反正据他说跟他的原专业不搭边。跟我说不用考虑原来的专业,只考虑职业理想... ... 哪那么容易,以为还是几年前?

“总体上大约40%得CMU学生拿到了offer,中国学生里面,大约60%得达到了offer”这么厉害,中国学生比总体学生的比例还高。羡慕... ...sigh,面试机会真不该浪费... ...

hard Bro.,

in my view, those schools you applied are almost same ranking, no top one, and also no bad one. So I think you should choose according to the location(good for placement) and your preferred concentration.
In my opinion, CMU>UT Austin>Kelly>Washington>UIUC, for your referance!!


今年他们在BW上排名降了些. 据我所知,学生的评价影响很大.其中之一,去年,他们的ENTREPRENEUR的教授们因为不满学校的一些制度改革,走了好几位颇受学生欢迎的教授,引起许多学生强烈不满...所以,现在学校非常紧张学生们的态度.我相信他的排名会回去的.

不过,前几天,几位UT的美国MBA得知我还没接受UT OFFER时,极力鼓励我接下来.我对UT的总体感觉,优点是:
1.学生素质不错.尤其是来自本州的学生,因享受州内学费的缘故,竞争颇为激烈, 真是千里挑一;UT用SCHOLARSHIP(通常是给予州内学费待遇)吸引来自外州的学生.现在他们也逐步给INTERNATIONAL STUDENT一定奖学金了.
3.性能价格比高(当然不能用这两年的情况去套).对国际学生来说,即使是$25,000(以前还更便宜)一年的学费还是价廉物美,再比起毕业后的起薪(平均约$80,000.但这是物价便宜的TEXAS!好象YALE也是这个平均数,但那是NY AREA啊.).
4.德州是除加州和NY之外的美国另一经济大州. 多少FORTUNE500都在 DALLAS,HOUSTON,AUSTIN设有公司.


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-27 16:49:56编辑过]
发表于 2003-12-27 21:11:00 | 只看该作者


Career Plan:Consulting(IT)
Ranking: Austin is better than Emory
Tuition: get no money from Austin while get 70% tuition scholarship from Emory
Location: Both in the south。 Would like get more information about the job market both in Austin and in Atlanta
Student and Faculty:Austin is larger, about 400。 Emory has the student body of 180。 Don‘t know much about the faculty reputation
Program:Austin -- Plus program  vs Emory: Leader in Action??

Your suggestion is highly appreciated!

A tough one concerning the big money involved...我只能提供一些AUSTIN的情况,对EMORY我真的一无所知.

从就业的角度看,在UT AUSTIN的就业机会主要不取决于AUSTIN(当然AUSTIN也有些机会,如DELL,IBM,MOTOROLA,ECT.),而在它附近的DALLAS和HOUSTON两个大城市. 但911之后,这两个以能源和IT为主的大城市是就业市场的重灾区. 从前,德州众多的能源和IT公司就能把UT的MBA消化掉(例如以前的ENRON是UT MBA的最大雇主),现在UT MBA更多的是面临着如何冲出德州,去外州竞争的境地(不容易啊!).但我对ATLANTA一点都不了解,不知道情况是否更好.

从教育的角度看,UT的教学应该是一流的,学风属于脚踏实地的那种,在全美BSCHOOL间的各项竞赛中还是颇具竞争力的.最近在一项VENTURE CAPITAL的竞赛中,刚击败DUKE成为中部赛区的冠军,进入总决赛. 但PROGRAM太大,却是我不喜欢的. 听说CAREER CENTER的SERVICE也一般,学生颇有怨言.但因今年排名下降,学校颇为紧张,应该会有些动作吧.

Emory is good at banking & industry area. It has strong tie with some big companies. Atlanta is a center of several big names like: Cocacola. With that money, I will definitely choose Emory.

Disclaim: I don't know anything about Tech Consulting placement in those 2 schools.

money is so important that it will not only lower your financial burden but also help you pass the visa application. if i were you, i would choose emory.

have you ever received the newsletter from emory before? its courage training is fantastic: organized students to jump from a airplane. i don't know whether i dare to do that. also its program is quite small, it will let students and faculties have more contact to each other.

发表于 2003-12-27 22:35:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Serious在2003-12-26 10:50:00的发言:
这有啥为难的, 这两个学校反正都是排在TOP20以后的junk school.去这个和去那个能有多少区别?一定要比的话, EMORY不那么junk. 在georgetown,一般MBA的感觉都不太爽,因为这学校MBA program 相对其他program的实力来说比较弱, 所以MBA学生往往被其他专业的学生看不起.

Emory如果给了钱的话,可以考虑去, 否则还是算了吧.这学校比较小,建立的时间又短. 唯一吸引眼球的地方也就是到处吹嘘的sky diving.  话说回来, 比较decent的学校也不会用sky diving这种小trick来吸引申请人.  

还有,写拒信这种其实纯属满足ego的事情,能有多大难度? 觉得怎样满足自己的ego,就怎么写呗. 我认识的一朋友被好几个TOP20录了,他一个锯信也没写, 照他说,满足虚荣心的方法有很多种,写锯信是最不值得花时间的一种.

发表于 2003-12-28 17:17:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-12-28 17:38:00 | 只看该作者

发表于 2003-12-28 18:06:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Serious在2003-12-26 10:50:00的发言:
这有啥为难的, 这两个学校反正都是排在TOP20以后的junk school.去这个和去那个能有多少区别?一定要比的话, EMORY不那么junk. 在georgetown,一般MBA的感觉都不太爽,因为这学校MBA program 相对其他program的实力来说比较弱, 所以MBA学生往往被其他专业的学生看不起.

Emory如果给了钱的话,可以考虑去, 否则还是算了吧.这学校比较小,建立的时间又短. 唯一吸引眼球的地方也就是到处吹嘘的sky diving.  话说回来, 比较decent的学校也不会用sky diving这种小trick来吸引申请人.  

还有,写拒信这种其实纯属满足ego的事情,能有多大难度? 觉得怎样满足自己的ego,就怎么写呗. 我认识的一朋友被好几个TOP20录了,他一个锯信也没写, 照他说,满足虚荣心的方法有很多种,写锯信是最不值得花时间的一种.

我倒是认为Georgetown好得多。 Georgetown 好比中国的人大,虽然名气不如北大清华复旦浙大吉大武大南大,但是是出政要官员的地方。

其次,拒绝信是一种礼貌,而不是ego。 如果在美国读过书的话应该有老师告诉你,接到offer 即使不去也要表示感谢。

其三,常常见人说毕业后能去某某consulting,其实去consulting 公司最简单的方法是在有consulting公司的区域附近社区大学念个9个月的accounting 硕士,无需MBA.
发表于 2003-12-29 01:05:00 | 只看该作者
其实去consulting 公司最简单的方法是在有consulting公司的区域附近社区大学念个9个月的accounting 硕士,无需MBA

Good point!

This is just what I'm confusing now. I find that Bank of America and Citi Group hired most of top50 schools MBAs (or even top 1000 which I didn't check). I'm just thinking that the MBAs from Wharton may not do the same work with the MBAs from Miami even though they all go to the same "famous financial company".

How can I know what they really do in these so-called Groups?
发表于 2003-12-29 01:28:00 | 只看该作者
Siebel, you are right on this. I can speak from what I've seen. My company hires MBAs from Columbia, Wharton, Duke like schools as well as U. of Florida, and U. of Washington. But the job is different, so is pay.
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