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(AAA14) please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

发表于 2006-10-23 09:03:00 | 只看该作者

(AAA14) please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A14. The following appeared in a memo from the president of the Meltaway Company, a producer of ice cream.

Health concerns and convenience appear to be the key factors affecting sales of ice cream. Last year’s publication of research suggesting that some types of fat can be beneficial to health must have made people more willing to eat regular ice cream, which contains fat. Over the past year, national sales of regular ice cream increased about 8 percent, while sales of fat-free or lowfat ice cream increased by only 1 percent. During the same time period, sales of ice cream were similarly affected by consumers’ demand for convenience, as grocery stores increased their sales volume for ice cream by 9 percent, compared to a 3 percent increase for ice-cream parlors and other stores specializing in ice cream. Therefore, we can expect that most of our profits over the next few years will come from providing regular ice cream to grocery stores.”

发表于 2006-10-23 10:30:00 | 只看该作者


- 不能根据研究报告结果推出顾客一定会倾向买含脂的icecream的结论,所指的type of icecream maybe different. more info needed

- 也许是由于低脂的口味不好或者其他的产品本身的问题,跟含不含脂肪没有关系,应该跟competitors对比一下。

- 最明显的,reasoning fallacy, 销量增长快不代表销量大,不能据此推断grocery和普通icecream会带来更多的利润

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