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楼主: dadaowuxing
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[咨询答疑] 向各位学长学姐请教

发表于 2012-1-11 13:42:27 | 显示全部楼层
其实有这样二类本科后来在美国读了master然后进了好学校的PhD program, 后来成功找到了top学校的faculty的finance professor职位的人啊。不止一个!大家去搜一搜其实就知道了。

楼主想去好学校,一步是达不到的。但是需要步步经营,先把本科念好,GPA高一点。然后GMAT or GRE 高一点,TOEFL高一点,然后争取去一个好的美国master program,争取修一些有用的课,找到好的老师写推荐信.

都是有可能的。但是话说回来, 这每一步做好来,真的也不容易。加油!
发表于 2012-1-11 16:48:57 | 显示全部楼层
You will significantly improve your chance if you can get into a decent market program (economics, statistics or maybe finance) or a not so top PhD program in US(this is the most important part, in US, not China) in the above major and get a 4.0 GPA.

The above has been proved by the success of several(probably a lot of) people.

Also, you may consider some other majors such as statistics, economics and management, etc. There is very tough competition in the finance PhD application. And also the competition for faculty positions is extremely tough. For example, the ratio of faculty job opening to applicants at some top school was around 2/500 in finance, and around 2/20 in accounting. But finance PhD can easily find jobs in the industry. So there are always pros and cons.

Think seriously about what you want to do: academia or industry, pick a major, and then make a plan. Follow your plan step by step.
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