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[在读分享] 2007级CKGSB(长江商学院)MBA班级日志贴

 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-26 16:43:00 | 显示全部楼层

<12th week> hasal Comma
Dear CDers:
Since our Intra-module break starts tomorrow and will last for three weeks till mid-
February and most of our classmates will leave Shanghai, our Class Diary will have a temporary suspension during the period and is expected to resume on Feb. 23.
Thanks for all you attention and support on us during the past four months and we will see
you again in the Chinese New Year.
Sincere wishes to you for a bright and prosperous new year and an advanced blessing for a
happy Spring Festival!
Compared with the beginning of Module 2, the past two weeks are easy or even enjoyable for
us. With the return of Professor Viard, we are recharged and motivated to strive for the
end of this module.
In the last few days, "go home" has dominated our extra-curriculum chat and made the final
exam of Business strategy somewhat different from that of previous courses--distraction? maybe. We really need some refreshment and reflection after the 2 compact modules. This morning when I was sitting in the multi-function room doing the exam, I had such an impulse
to put down my pen and try to inscript the moment which will soon go away from my grasp.
Then the surprise gift came: we were treated a snow show at the conclusion of the exam. What
a rare chance it is! I bet all of our classmates will spare a place in our memory for the special day, the special scene and the special gathering at Qianxiangge restaurant--a
celebration for our phasal comma and a joint wave to the coming challenges.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-26 16:46:24编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-24 11:23:00 | 显示全部楼层

<16th week> Presented by Frank Yu

New Module Starts-Looking back for Moving forward

Facts behind the business school
After long spring festival vacation, we come back to the campus again for module 3. Having spent 4 months in CKGSB, gradually, i get to know more and more about this CK --- the culture here, the people here, and soul and spirits behind this name.
Professors and Courses:
Still remember at the openning ceremony last November, dean Zheng told us, CKMBA program is not simply a training program for professional managers, in fact the school is aiming to build future business generals - we are the "west point" in business schools. You won't easily get the point until you start to take courses here. In average, we have to finish one course every 1-2 weeks. Each course is designed intensely and given by pronowned professors. The faculty team here is probably one of the most compentent teams in China. Though the courses are not lasting long, the requirement are as strict as those courses given in 2 years MBA program in North America. So it is not difficult to imagine the workload we have experienced in the class, it's quite common that after we spent whole day in classroom, there are another 1 or 2 assignments or case studies are waiting for us in the night. And usually there are no weekend in CKGSB since we have to catch up with readings or big group write-ups. After module 1 and module 2, I believe what I learned here is not only course knowledge, but also the way to keep up yourself in fierce schedule and environment. I believe this is the spirit CKGSB want to root into our deep heart!
Alumni and Staff:
One of most precious assets of CKGSB is our alumni and staff. Once you joined CKGSB, you will have a bond with school even after your graduation. This is a truly family. Every 1-2 months we have a family day and alumni are invited to come back to campus to share experience, to exchange minds and to meet old/new friends here. During CKGSB info sessions you can always find alumni actively show up. And it is not rare when CKGSB MBA program would like to make big decisions, all alumni are invited to contribute their ideas and to join the decision making process. The most recent alumni meeting was held about 1 month before and most past graduate MBAs come to Shanghai campus and Beijing campus to join the TV conference to discuss some critical factors about CKMBA programs.
Behind the MBA program, we have a very competent staff team supporting this platform. From the very beginning when we were still in the MBA applying procedure, the recruiting staff team are so supportive that we were deeply impressed. After we join CK family, we notice that the whole staff culture here is open and transparent. There are regular communication meetings between staff and us and each week there is open office hour from program director, in short, we have various channels to exchange opinions about the program. Communication is one facet, the most important thing is that we feel our opinions are respected. Immediate response and follow up action plans can be expected here.
Business school is an exciting place for me to grow. Yet there is still long time to come, I'm expected to explore more here, in CKGSB.

 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-2 07:38:00 | 显示全部楼层

<17th week> Presented By Arthur Chi:

Collect some past thoughts

临近了新年,人就慵懒了;一不小心,发现博客已经两个月没更新了。Gary说你娃should post sth;我说过了年,年纪又大了一岁,活着活着就老了;先贤莎士比亚说:时间啊,牛逼阿,你娃肯定逃不过他横扫的镰刀阿;其实,再牛逼的比如莎士比亚,早晚都有一天可能会憋不出多少货色;然后很可能就翻出旧作一篇;然后说:



[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-2 7:39:20编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-8 17:29:00 | 显示全部楼层

<18th week> Presented by Baiqian Wan:


期待了一个下午,背上书包,“杀人”的火车上,好像回到20岁;入夜,1912酒吧街很酷,我们一行人很认真的拍出了革命党和Prof. Brian的咸蛋超人posesupply and demand curve),本以为要去的“boring”酒吧,到了才发现是“boiling”John的舞技很high但是没有进步;Iris本色大家姐,非自练神功无法可及,纵练成神功亦未必可及;Eric还没有high起来就开始犯困,生物钟锁定在了12点;coco很球,很吸引;环顾左右的我,开始觉得怎么跳都不对,喝了几杯酒后发现原来怎么跳都是对的。



 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-14 23:39:00 | 显示全部楼层

<19th week> A clip from Class Journal, a glimpse of school life:

"Dear All,
I was informed by Cypress hotel of this information yesterday and we’re trying to negotiate with them.
Actually, not just the swimming pool, but many other entertainments from the club are all priced up.
As far as swimming pool, the reason they gave us was because, this is a constant temperature swimming pool; and they need to burn a kind of oil to keep the temperature; and the price of the oil is doubled; that’s why they need to raise the price.
Attached please see the price they’ve provided to us and I will let you all know the negotiation process.
Best regards,

Dear Jessie,
CKGSB’s study is very intensive, swimming, as well as tennis and badminton is almost the only sports activity for many of our MBA students (more than half of our classmates frequently go swimming) to build up their bodies.
Since there is a long term agreement between CKGSB and Cypress hotel, it should be negotiable for this price issue.
On the other hand, the increasing of the cost is not so big as they charged for us (117% sharp increase), why do not negotiate to a feasible price such as RMB 30 (even this price is still 30% increase)?
Hope we could find a way to solve this problem.

Dear all,
Thank you all very much for your good advices and ideas on this issue!
I totally agree with all and I understand how important this kind of facility is for all of you and our school.
Please trust us we’re going to use all the resource we can to negotiate with Cypress hotel; besides we’ve got support from our school for us to do this negotiation too!
So, please hand over this task to us so that you can have enough energy focus on your study. We will keep you updated on this issue within this week and give everybody a solution!
Thank you very much for your understanding!

Thanks for your rose
Dear all,
It’s my great pleasure to show our appreciation on behalf of all Cheung Kong Ladies!
Thank you so much for your gift and you guys have lit up our holiday!!
Meanwhile, we’d like to wish every lady in your class a happy holiday!
Best regards,

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-14 23:42:17编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-23 08:52:00 | 显示全部楼层

<20th week> Presented by Gary Lu:

Group Project with Cornell students

Cornell projects started on Mar. 17 with a pleasant 13 member team of Cornell Johnson school MBA students joining us. A bit surprise that the majority of them are of Indian origin. This is another evidence that how India has impressed the world and immerged into the mainstream of the Western world, especially the US. We spent roughly one and a half days together to work on a case talking about the current hot issue of the legal dispute between Danone and Wahaha and it turned out to be a quite enjoyable experience. There was not much information given by the case material, therefore we need to figure out what’s behind the phenomenon by ourselves. Info search is of course the fundamental work but how to deduce the logic and map out the storyline is really a challenge. And the Cornell students won our respect by asking to-the-point questions and stay cooperative on the road of seeking the truth. 

Of course, we didn’t just get stuck on the case. Actually we had a very nice talk with them. The two students in our team: Jasy from India and Sheraf from Pakistan are both open-minded and sharp-minded. During the case analysis, I find they would keep pushing themselves until they think they’ve got some solid recommendations that they would feel comfortable to defend. Besides this case, we openly exchanged our view on how we look at each other and the countries of China, India and Pakistan. Taiwan is part of the topic because they don’t quite understand the tension between Mainland China and Taiwan. Also Jasy raised a very good point that India is ahead of China in globalization because its language advantage but China is now putting more efforts in the language education while India did little to improve its infrastructure so the gap will be narrowed in the near future. A modest complement; however, we ourselves should think about this issue critically. Do not misunderstand that China is in an advantageous position in the competition with India.

The final presentation turned out to be a “watch-tour” since I admired the way they presented themselves. Anyway, this joint activity seems to make more sense than simply dining together. Btw, hang-out together is also a good choice. Tonight six of us accompanied six Cornell students to have a happy dinner at the Jade Garden and then settled down in a bar on the Hengshan Road. They were having fun with us given the really good meal and when we were in a bar, they were quite delighted in taking photos of each other with funny gestures.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-23 8:53:10编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-29 13:16:00 | 显示全部楼层

<21th week> Presented by Mia Wu and Jessica Sun:

Balance life and study

Dear classmates,
We attached the movie critique for your referrence. I believe most of your guys have already seen this movie (The Shawshank Redemption). We're expecting some new inpression from the show.
By the way, communication club will serve the refreshments. And after the show, Prof. Liu will join us to have some free talk.

Dear Folks,
Do you like Drama?
CLOSER《偷心》 is  coming to shanghai! Would you like to join in us for this wonderful show?
Venue: Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre—Arts Theatre
Time: Apr. 18 , 19:30
Tickets: 120, 150, 250
Guests: expert
Sincerely invite you, your families, or friends to….
Let me book tickets for you in advance! Reply before Sunday night, otherwise tickets are out;
Good weekend.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-29 13:16:23编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-5 11:41:00 | 显示全部楼层

<22th week> Presented by Sophia Xiao:

顺利且成功完成了Cornell project sharing,参加过项目的同学的分享、教授的点评、主持人的组织、场务的设计、提问......很多环节都比较顺利;作为第一个独立组织的俱乐部活动,有这么多同学的参与和支持,我已经很满意了;班里很多同学都在积极地为大家努力做事,很好。
1. 东亚银行VP的‘外资银行在中国的发展’,很真诚,也很成功;起码我这个不打算去银行的人对行业也有了挺好的了解,他给的择业建议‘可以考虑将要改制的企业,无论新外资,大国资,还是好民企’有些建设性;
2. 万科VP的企业和行业分析,对这个行业有了些新认识。作为行业里的老大,万科的责任感很强,这是企业的难能可贵之处。可惜我问的三个问题,回答得不是很实质;当然,国内企业能常去哈佛、沃顿开招聘会的还是不多;
3. Randy中午的职业市场分析,有些意义;在这个阶段安排这样的信息分享和精神鼓励,也可见学校的用心良苦啊!
1. 德尔福(苏州)工厂。他们对这类公关活动的重视程度可以联想地思考到他在行业里地位下滑的原因;另一路去了AMD和Spansion的同学好像收获不少;
2. 金鸡湖畔。苏州的城市建设和新加坡有得一比了;政府工作人员的努力程度是世界上很多国家都难得比拟的;和UC Berkeley的MBA们一路交流,他们也很认可这个评价;如果中国的各地方政府都可以如此高效地‘运作’,那‘中国’,哎,别提有多好了!
3. 苏州中新创投会议室。和投行的人近距离接触,感觉没有那么神秘,但确有所不同。坐我对面的那个家伙的看我们的眼神像似在研究项目;哦,对了,我挺喜欢那个会议室的,同学们第一次围坐在那样一个会议桌上,各有表情和姿势,突然想到了十年后......
4. BioBay纳米科技园。那里有深圳和浦东都比拟不了的建设速度! 那位女士,后来我才知道是他们的总经理,确有很多值得我们佩服的气质和能力;
5. '三娘鱼庄',和同学一起 '劳动' 一天后吃饭聊天的感觉,很不错!
1. Exchange program的面试。用5分钟决定下来的印度,还是有很多魅力;
2. An dinner appointment, 和一位正准备创业的朋友一起审议他的商业计划书;

 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-12 15:40:00 | 显示全部楼层

<23rd week> Presented by J.K.:

Welcome letter for Korea trip

Dear All.
This is 'J. K.' , CKMBA06 in Korea.
I came back to Korea last month, and started to work again.
Before I went to CK, I've worked at venture capital in Korea.
Now I came back to venture capital named 'Tube Investment' as investment manager in Korea.

I heard that 07 CKer will come to Korea as international study trip next month.
Welcome to Korea in advance, and if you need any help in Korea, just let me know.
I've been so excited to meet CK family in Korea, and hope to be good trip for all of you.
I made venture capital/private equity club when I was studying in CK with some classmates.
Some classmates and I discussed many things about those fields during our study in CK.
When you need any help in this topic, I'm ready to help CK family at any time.
Hope to make VC/PE club the formal club in CK by some of you who are interested in this

field. Among 06 intake, we have 3 guys including me in this field, and there are some alumni (03~05 intakes) in China. You can get help from them for your career in VC/PE.
Expecting to meet you all in Korea.
J. K.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-12 15:40:56编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-19 22:15:00 | 显示全部楼层

<24th week> Presented by Myron Xu:

When the call comes, we will show up


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-19 22:15:32编辑过]
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