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分享一下投行IBD的申请和招聘...(London Office为主)

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发表于 2014-6-18 15:29:11 | 只看该作者

我想问下,本人美国top40美本,研究生去IC的master of acctg and fin. 对英国找工作不太熟悉,我听说现在签证政策改了?楼主最初发帖时间为2011年,不知道现在毕业还能不能找到工作。
我打算找2015的internship 或者 fulltime (如果能的话),不知道现在的签证政策是否允许?

 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-27 18:03:06 | 只看该作者
索非亚 发表于 2013-2-2 00:42
我想问下如果是海本(不是英国),全球top20的学校,有投行实习,那研究生报英国的话,哪些是target school ...

如果是全球TOP20的本科,尽量申请牛津剑桥LSE或者IC的MASTER 吧  这4所是英国的TOP TARGET, 本科学校本来就不错,再加上这几所学校之一的研究生的话 至少学校那一关是肯定过了。

研究生不是FINANCE 专业对申请完全没影响。在英国 degree doesn't matter, university always matters more than degree.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-27 18:08:20 | 只看该作者
冰王子 发表于 2013-3-3 09:46

depends on which department you are targeting at.

IB >>
1. need to have general sense of where market goes, macro policy, etc. (Macro is always a good starting point to talk about, and also can help you to lead the topic to the ones that you're interested in)
2. also need to prepare some specific news about particular industry or company

You don't need to know everything, but I'd suggest to focus on some particular area that you are interested in. The idea is always to have something that you can talk about confidently. Because the interview is always timed, nobody will ask you about everything within the short timeframe. But if you can talk about something indepth, it makes people feel you really follow the market and knows your stuff well, even though what you know is only a small piece.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-27 18:09:45 | 只看该作者
CatherinE5358 发表于 2013-3-13 11:15
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I think what you are asking is covered here. Let me know if you have further questions after reading this.

Online Application Form + Application Question下载  #2  #149 #184

Networking Events个人经验  #7

Online Test练习资料下载  #28

First round Interview :  Competency-based Interview + 资料下载  #34 #184

Assessment Center :  Technical Interview  #96

AC-IB Case Study  #101

Follow deal的方法  #103

Brainteaser 资料 #207

 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-27 18:29:14 | 只看该作者
catherine2735 发表于 2013-9-8 13:10
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Just to add more to #314...

Market needs to follow from beginning. I'd suggest you take some notes about interesting deals everyday.
(Not necessarily a lot, but 1-2 deals everyday so that by the time you go to interview, you'd have a lot of deals to talk about)
And save the news somewhere so that you can always go back and revisit before interview.
1-2 days before the interview, check your notes (there must be some repetitive topics or some hot themes over time) and pick about something mainstream and something that you are most comfortable talking about.

Technical questions can be prepared 1-2 weeks before the interview (you'll forget anyway if prepare it too early...), depending on your existing technical knowledge. i.e. if you studied finance in uni or if you have no finance background. (If no finance knowldge at all before, then maybe extend to cover this bit 3 weeks before interview)

In short, market part and technical part is something you can prepare and take control by yourself.

Behaviour questions is something that is highly flexible, but also the part that differentiate you from other candidates. Given the flexibility, it would require significantly more time to prepare.
Assuming the same educational background (target school), everyone follows market and can talk about deals to some extent, everyone knows the basic technical stuff.
Then the behaviour question part becomes the differentiant factor to help the interviewer to form a view about you as a person. So the interview can ask any questions to try to find out your competency and to identify who you really are, how you are likely to behave in a working environment, etc.
The behaviour question guide can provide a good sense of what's likely to be asked and also provide a good guidance of how to structure your answer. The bottom line is to preapre at least 2 examples for each questions in the list.
Sometimes, the questions maybe asked in a different way that is completedly unexpected, but still can be asnwered using the same example. Thtat's why you need to really know your stuff well and spend time to practice, practice, practice. Also the point of practice is to make you a natural presenter, so it doesn't look like you have spent too much time "prepareing" it.
发表于 2014-6-30 23:11:35 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-7-3 18:40:10 | 只看该作者
楼主,我的基本情况:我在国内读的一个不算top的财经类一本,专业是English+International Accounting,有一定的数学和经济学基础。在清华工作三年,清华的工作与Finance完全无关,主要在做一个国际性的论坛。今年刚考上人大MBA,人大有第二年出国交流的项目,其中还有读完可去YALE攻读MASTER的机会。
发表于 2014-7-4 04:07:38 | 只看该作者

请问LZ是不是在Citi 啊?我正在Citi London Office 实习,CGC 2 Floor 11(non-FO though,在靠近电梯这边),前两天在restaurant碰到一帮IT部门的中国人哈哈。不知道LZ最近忙不忙,也许什么时候可以一起喝杯咖啡?

我的SOEID是xh23140. Please feel free to shoot me an email anytime!
发表于 2014-7-4 04:15:45 | 只看该作者
shashengjie 发表于 2014-6-30 23:11
不晓得楼主还在不在,真的很感谢之前的分享。我本人大二,金融系,在下个学期会去英国进行为期一个学期的交 ...


我不太了解投行winter,但来这边直接申投行Summer是没有问题的,我知道有去LSE交换的中国学生拿到某大行S&T summer internship的。当然不排除各个行之间有区别的可能性。

发表于 2014-7-6 08:06:25 | 只看该作者
想问一下楼主,在伦敦,哪些学校 (MBA & MSF) 是IB的target school? 如果我以前不是做finance的, 是应该读MBA还是MSF呢?

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