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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-19 17:50:01 | 只看该作者
In the reading text, the author talks about some criticss' concerns about the reality of Chevalier's memoir. On the contrary, the professor in the lecture does not agree with the author. She says that no memoirs can be correct in every detail, but Chevalier's memoir is accurate, and by and large to be a historical resource.

First, contrary to what the author states in the reading that Chevalier is not wealthy. The professor expalin that Chevalier indeed had so many properties. But when he wanted to use his wealth to parties or gambling, he needed to convert his wealth in to actual money first. And this always took him some days for cash. So, he borrowed some money during the days he waited for his money. Therefore, Chevalier was weathy while living in Switzerland.

Second, critics doubt about the accuracy of conversations between Chevalier and Voltaire. While, the professor explains that Chevalier wrote down every detail about his talks with Voltaire later after their conversation every night. More, some winnesses said that they saw Chevalier use some notes and jonerals when he wrote his memoir. This directly contradicts to its counterpart in the reading text.

Third, unlike what is said in the reading text that Chevalier had bribed to get out of the prison, the professor points out that Chevalier indeed escaped from the prison. She further explains that there were even more powerful crimals in the prison at that time, but they could not bribe for their freedoms. Moreover, soem documents recorded that the ceiling of Chevalier's had to be repaired after his escape. So, all of these support the point that Chevalier had escaped from the prison as he wrote in his memoir.
The author of the reading text talks about some advantages of fuel-cell engines. Whlile, the professor in the lecture does not agree with the author. She says that the author is too optimistic. At the same time, fuel-cell engines are not the solution the problems as the author says in the text.

First, in contrast to what the author states that hydorgen is easy to access. The professor explains that hydorgen in water and natural gas are not directly usable. In fact, hydrogen needs to be make artificially and convert to pure liquid state. It is very difficult to do this becasue this process need very low temperature. Thus, it is not very easy to produce and store hydorgen. This directly contradicts to its counterpart in the reading text.

Second, the professor points out that unlike what is said in the reading text, the process of producing hydrogen will polute the environment. The reason is that the process of producing hydrogen need coal or oil as power. Thus, the burnning of coal or oil will poluted the environment.

Third, the professor says that fuel-cell engines are not cheap as the author says in the passage. One metal which is necessary to produce fuel-cell engines is too expensive. And without this kind of metal, the rete of chemical reaction in order to generate electricity will decrease. Scientists have not find another metal to replace this kind of metal. Thus, the fuel-cell engines are not so cheap.
发表于 2012-7-19 19:21:39 | 只看该作者
In the reading text, the author talks about some criticss'
(critics’) concerns(concern) about the reality of Chevalier's memoir. On the contrary, the professor in the lecture does not agree with the author. She says that no memoirs can be correct in every detail, but Chevalier's memoir is accurate, and by and large to be a historical resource.

First, contrary to what the author states in the reading that Chevalier is not wealthy. The professor expalin
(explains) that Chevalier indeed had so many properties. But when he wanted to use his wealth to(use… to…换成spend… on…好些吧~) parties or gambling, he needed to convert his wealth in to actual money first. And this always took him some days for cash. So, he borrowed some money during the days he waited for his money. Therefore, Chevalier was weathy(wealthy) while living in Switzerland

Second, critics doubt about the accuracy of conversations between Chevalier and Voltaire. While, the professor explains that Chevalier wrote down every detail about his talks with Voltaire later after their conversation every night. More, some winnesses(witnesses) said that they saw Chevalier use some notes and jonerals(这里没懂起…) when he wrote his memoir. This directly contradicts to its counterpart in the reading text.

Third, unlike what is said in the reading text that Chevalier had bribed to get out of the prison, the professor points out that Chevalier indeed escaped from the prison. She further explains that there were even more powerful crimals
(crimes) in the prison at that time, but they could not bribe for their freedoms. Moreover, some(some) documents recorded that the ceiling of Chevalier's had to be repaired after his escape. All of these facts support the point that Chevalier had escaped from the prison as he wrote in his memoir. (觉得那个so让句子变得成分有问题可以参考下~)
The author of the reading text talks about some advantages of fuel-cell engines. Whlile
(while), the professor in the lecture does not agree with the author. She says that the author is too optimistic. At the same time, fuel-cell engines are not the solution to the problems as the author says in the text.

First, in contrast to what the author states that hydrogen
(hydrogen) is easy to access. The professor explains that hydorgen(hydrogen) in water and natural gas are not directly usable. In fact, hydrogen needs to be make(made) artificially and convert to pure liquid state. It is very difficult to do this because(because) this process need very low temperature. Thus, it is not very easy to produce and store hydorgen(hydrogen). This directly contradicts to its counterpart in the reading text.

Second, the professor points out that unlike what is said in the reading text, the process of producing hydrogen will polute
(pollute) the environment. The reason is that the process of producing hydrogen need(needs) coal or oil as power. Thus, the burning(burning) of coal or oil will polluted(polluted) the environment.

Third, the professor says that fuel-cell engines are not
as cheap as the author says in the passage. One metal which is necessary to produce fuel-cell engines is too expensive. And without this kind of metal, the rete(rate) of chemical reaction in order to generate electricity will decrease. Scientists have not find(found) another metal to replace this kind of metal. Thus, the fuel-cell engines are not so cheap.



 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-19 22:57:34 | 只看该作者
7月19日  Do you agree or disagree,it is impossible to be completely honest with youre friend.

When it comes to the quesion of whether people can be totally honest with their friends, different people place weight on different factors so that their opinons are various. And as time passes, their may change their view to some extent. So, some people think people can be completely honest to their friends becasue they can deciple themselves and do not tell any lies to their fiends under any situation. However, other people do not think so. They believe that people can not be totally honest with their friends. Their reasons are so many and reasonable based on their own explanation. Personally, from my point of  view of a student, I agree with the point that people can not be completely honest with their friends. My reasons are as follow.

To begin with, misunderstanding always exsists, and it may causes friends may consider his/her friends are not honesty to them. This situation is not rare. Sometimes people tell their friends what happened in details, but their friends can not complately grasp all of the information. Friends also have their own understandong of some events whihc other people tell them. For example, When I was ten years old, I had a close friend named Mike. We had been friends since we were five years old. We lived in the same community and our parents worked at the same factory. One day I went to his home to do homework with him. After finishing our homework, his father asked him to go out with him in order to buy some food for their dinner. His mother was not at home that day. His father told me to stay at their home and they turned on their TV for me to watch. After they went out, the TV set broke out. I did nothing to it. So, when Mike and his father came back, I told them the truth. But they did not believe what Isaid and insisted I had break to TV set. As you can see from this example, the misunderstanding between people also cause you friend do not believe you are honest.

Moreover, to be comletely honest with friends is too difficult under some situations. When my friends ask me something, I always want to give them the answers they need. However, I have my own privacy, so I do not want to tell them about my sacrets when they ask things relate my sacrets. For example, I am afraid of stay at high places and do not wnat to talk about this quesion with my friends. My situation is not rare, people all have their own privacy. So when their friends ask them problems relate to these sacrets, people can not be entirely honest with their friends.

Admittedly, being honest with friends is always beneficila to maintain friendship with our friends. People value their friends who have honesry and view them to be trustworthy. On the contrary, sometimes it is harmful and even may damage friendship if we tell the truth to our friends. I read a passage from a newspaper that a girl's friends did not tell her the truth of her mother's death. The reason was that the girl had to take the college entrance examination one day later. I imagine that if I were the girl's friend, I would not tell her the fact because this may cause her fail in the exam.

Of course, some people may argue that they can tell their friends everything despite the result is beneficial or baneful. I must admit that these people is honest, but their friends may not consider them to be honest, and their works also can not be completely understanded by their friends. Thus, based on what I have discussed above, it is safe to draw the conclusion that people are impossible to be entirely honest with their friends.
发表于 2012-7-19 23:55:03 | 只看该作者

When it comes to the【 ques ion 拼写 】of whether people can be totally honest with their friends, different people place weight on different factors so that their【 opinions 拼写 】are various. And as time passes, their may change their view to some extent. So, some people think people can be completely honest to their friends【 becasue 拼写 】 they can 【deciple 拼写】themselves and do not tell any lies to their fiends under any situation. However, other people do not think so. They believe that people can not be totally honest with their friends. Their reasons are so many [abundant ]and reasonable based on their own 【explanation 复数】. Personally, from my point of  view of 【as】 a student, I agree with the point that people can not be completely honest with their friends. My reasons are as follow.To begin with, misunderstanding always exsists 拼写, and it may causes friends may consider his/her friends are not honesty to them. This situation is not rare. Sometimes people tell their friends what happened in details, but their friends can not 【complately 拼写】 grasp all of the information. Friends also have their own understandong 拼写 of some events【 whihc 拼写】 other people tell them. For example, When I was ten years old, I had a close friend named Mike. We had been friends since we were five years old. We lived in the same community and our parents worked at the same factory. One day I went to his home to do homework with him. After finishing our homework, his father asked him to go out with him in order to buy some food for their dinner. His mother was not at home that day. His father told me to stay at their home and they turned on their TV for me to watch. After they went out, the TV set broke out [broke down]. I did nothing to it. So, when Mike and his father came back, I told them the truth. But they did not believe what Isaid and insisted I had break【 to 删掉】 TV set. As you can see from this example, the misunderstanding between people also cause you friend do not believe you are honest.Moreover, to be 【comletely 拼写】 honest with friends is too difficult under some situations. When my friends ask me something, I always want to give them the answers they need. However, I have my own privacy, so I do not want to tell them about my sacrets 拼写 when they ask things relate my 【sacrets 拼写.】 For example, I am afraid of stay at high places and do not 【wnat 拼写 】to talk about this 【quesion 拼写 】with my friends. My situation is not rare, people all have their own privacy. So when their friends ask them problems relate to these【 sacrets 拼写, 】people can not be entirely honest with their friends.Admittedly, being honest with friends is always 【beneficila 拼写】 to maintain friendship with our friends. People value their friends who have 【honesry 拼写 】and view them to be trustworthy. On the contrary, sometimes it is harmful and even may damage friendship if we tell the truth to our friends. I read a passage from a newspaper that a girl's friends did not tell her the truth of her mother's death. The reason was that the girl had to take the college entrance examination one day later. I imagine that if I were the girl's friend, I would not tell her the fact because this may cause her fail in the exam.Of course, some people may argue that they can tell their friends everything despite the result is beneficial or baneful. I must admit that these people is honest, but their friends may not consider them to be honest, and their works also can not be completely 【understanded understood】 by their friends. Thus, based on what I have discussed above, it is【 safe [convincing ]】 to draw the conclusion that people are impossible to be entirely honest with their friends.

发表于 2012-7-20 08:37:47 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-20 17:22:26 | 只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree,if you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others you will use email or text messaging or you would like to use telephone or voice messaging?

When it comes to the question of how to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, people' choices diversified. Some people prefer to use telephone or voice-messaging because of their convenience and instant. While others would like to use e-mail or text messaging to reveal their congitation and preciseness. Generally speaking, upsetting or controversial problems often relate to serious topics. Therefore, from my point of view as a student, using e-mail or text messaging is a better choice to deal with this type of problems.

To begin with, comapred with speaking, writing gives people more time to do researches, to think deeply and thus can better explain their ideas. When confronting with upsetting or controversial problems, people need more time to cope with it. Writing e-mail or text massaging thus are the proper way to solve this type of problems. On the contrary, using telephone or voice-messaging would cause more questions because of misunderstandings. For example, once our teachers gave us an assignment to talk about after class. The topic was whether money and power were the symbol of success. And we began immediately when the class was over. However, none of us could presuade others to admit that they were right by only talking with each other. The reason was that the topic was so controversial. Also we did not have enough time to think about it. Then, our teacher told us to write about the same topic, to arrange the articles next week. Things became so much better next week when we brought our writings to the classroom and read them. Thus, when confronting with some problematic questions, it would be better to use writting to express you ideas.

Moreover, using e-mail or text messaging can avoid some disadvantages that raised from telephone or voice messaging. People tend to behave more emotional when they use telephone or voice messaging than writting. Their daily communicatins with others are speaking, so they adapt to this type of way to express their thinking and emotions. When using audio methods to express themselves, they will inevitablely band their emotions in their expression. On the contrary, when peope write something, they tend to be more fair and cool-headed. So, when discussing upsetting or controversial problems, writting is a way to avoid personal prejudice in some degree.

Finally, writing is easy to arrange after the discussion ending. The process of discussion is important, as well as the conlusion of it. Ever from letter had been created, huamn began to use them to rember things, to show their thought, and to communicate wiht others. Most of the materials used in modern classes relate to writing, so, people are familiar with paper based materials and have many ways to process the information of them. Furthermore, writting is explicit and abstract. Therefore, it is easy to organize.

Of course, speaking is simultaneous and people can use oral presentation whenever they have some good ideas about the problems. However, from what has been discussed above, I can safely draw the conclusion that the benefits of e-mail or text messaging are so many. So, using writting is a thoughtful choice.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-20 20:35:49 | 只看该作者
TPO 11
The author of the reading text talks about the negative effects of present people reading less literature. On the contrary, the professor in the lecture does not agree with the author. She admits that it is true that people nowadays read less then people in the past, but it does not mean that this trend has unfortunate effects for the reading public.

First, contrary to the argument in the reading text that other forms of reading materials can not offer intellectual stimulation, the professor says that other forms of literature is equally meaningful. For example, other books about science, history, and political analysis are of high qualities. These books also can stimulate people' imaginations. According to the professor, no only literature  is good for people.

Second, the lecture refutes the idea that television or music is trivial and has lowered the standard of culture in general. The professor explain that musics and movies are good and beneficial to people. Listening to a music or watching a good movie will not lowered standard of culture. The world is changing. These new forms are more direct than reading books.

Third, the professor also offers a different view with the author of the passage that present readers are the reason of less good literature. The real reason is that modern writers make their work difficult to understand. Readers in the past would not like to read these books either.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-20 20:36:45 | 只看该作者
TPO 10
The author of the reading passage talks about evidences that support pollution explanation about the decline of sea otter. While, the professor in the lecture does not agree with the author. She says that predator explanation seems consistent with the facts, and is more likely to be the reason of the decline.

First, unlike to what has been said in the passage that pollution is the cause. The professor argues that if pollution is indeed the reason, there must be some dead sea otter can be found. In fact, reseachers can not found any dead sea otter along the coast. However, the predator explanation is consisten with this situation, because predator will eat sea otter, so no dead sea otter can be found.

Second, in contrast to what the author states in the reading that orcas only hunt large animals. The professor points out that because of human has catch most whales in this area, orcas have to rely on smaller animals such as seals, sea lions and sea otters for their survival. This can also explain the wide decline of sea otter.

Third, the author also cites that scientists believe pollution hypothesis could explain the uneven pattern of sea otter decline. On the contrary, the professor explains that this uneven pattern can be better explained by predator. Becasue orcas can not be easy access to shallow and rocky places, so sea otters in these places remain the same. And at others which orcas can easilly get, sea otter population declined quickly.
发表于 2012-7-20 21:56:43 | 只看该作者
TPO 10
The author of the reading passage talks about evidences that support pollution explanation about the decline of sea otter. While
(while这样用应该不对啊kch再查查呢~), the professor in the lecture does not agree with the author. She says that predator explanation seems consistent with the facts, and is more likely to be the reason of the decline.

First, unlike to what has been said in the passage that pollution is the cause
(这句话有点儿别扭呢). The professor argues that if pollution is indeed the reason, there must be some dead sea otter can be found. In fact, reseachers(researchers) can not found(find) any dead sea otter along the coast. However, the predator explanation is consisten(consistent) with this situation, because predator will eat sea otter, so no dead sea otter can be found.

Second, in contrast to what the author states in the reading that orcas only hunt large animals. The professor points out that because of
(because of +短语哦~) human has catch most whales in this area, orcas have to rely on smaller animals such as seals, sea lions and sea otters for their survival. This can also explain the wide decline of sea otter.

Third, the author also cites that scientists believe pollution hypothesis could explain the uneven pattern of sea otter decline. On the contrary, the professor explains that this uneven pattern can be better explained by predator
(theory). Because orcas can not be easy access to shallow and rocky places, so sea otters in these places remain the same. And at others which orcas can easilly(easily) get(reach), sea otter population declined quickly.

发表于 2012-7-20 23:03:31 | 只看该作者
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