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发表于 2015-8-28 09:19:49 | 只看该作者
hbjs 发表于 2015-8-27 21:30
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics   September 2012 - Present
Bachelor of Scienc ...

MFE 158楼 美国东北选校定位 请指导?
发表于 2015-8-28 16:59:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-8-31 07:44:57 | 只看该作者
原本打算主申美帝,结果家里financing出了问题,所以之前研究的一堆项目估计都要放弃了(国外交换之后错失保研机会...),所以可能考虑项目的性价比方面比较多。选校预算在20W-30W RMB左右(留学总花销)
本科: 211财经 金融本, 一年德国水校交换(没怎么学德语,后悔中…)。  成绩百分之89, 排名大概5%  数学成绩都90+,专业成绩也90+。
课程:金融本,数学课程基础比较差,只有高数、高代、概率论、统计,像随机、数值分析、偏微分这种都没有,执念想做MFE,也只能说尽力了。 下学期大四打算修一下随机和数值分析或者偏微分(不知道作为补充材料来不来得及?一般来说应该来不及吧,但作为提高自己还是要学)。另外编程还可以,虽然成绩单上没什么具体课程,但数模、实习用的比较多。
GT:GRE153+170(纠结要不要重新考已经很久了,单词也慢慢忘完 = =)   T:109(S20)我也是醉了   考位要不先占一个? 但也很晚了
获奖:只有一些数模奖,国内的省一,美国的H奖 (两次都有遗憾,一把辛酸泪)
推荐信: 一个海外的统计老师、国内金融老师、实习老板

因为美帝的项目大多超过40W RMB吧,虽然有很多dream school,但真负担不起了。不过同时也纠结如果tier1.5的能要我,我也会想办法financing的,只是我这背景申到tier1.5的机会不大吧(短板好多,诸如实习没有big name,数学课程缺乏,T的Speaking,G的Verbal)。所以现在主要考虑了瑞士、德国和港、新
Swiss: EPFL MFE, UZH ETH MsQF , St.Gallen MBF,St.Gallen MiQEF,HEC Lausanne MSF
Singapore, HK: NUS MFE, NTU MFE, SMU MSF, HKUST MsFM  这些也很贵哎,但应该比美帝好一些

发表于 2015-8-31 17:35:51 | 只看该作者
huimousanguo 发表于 2015-8-31 07:44
版主们好,DIY16fall主申MFE,辅助MSF申请。最近选校真是纠结到死,希望有人能够帮忙出谋划策。原本打算主 ...

1. almost all good MFE in US are 1.5 year since the students need the summer for internship. this amount to at least 70K USD tuition already in general, so: be realistic.
2. given your budget, there are indeed some more choice: e.g. Waterloo MQF, X+HEC M1 QEF and Paris VI M2 Prob and Finance, but
3. but given your mathematical background, I don't think you stand any chances for those good one hosted by mathematics department (e.g. ETH MSc QF, HKUST MSc FM, TU Munich MS Math for Fina & Actu). Things may be a bit slightly better for those MFE, but school like EPFL, NTU are also very competitive. As far as I count, a good MFE class in general have at most around 10% student with a business / econ / finance bachelor (and I guess those 10% already have quite some math like a math/stat minor). The majority of the class have a bachelor in mathematics / statistics / physics / CS / IE / EE and etc...
4. Put aside budget concern first: I think you should also consider NUS MSc QF in additional to their MFE, and for SMU, i guess you will be interested in the MQF (the one with Cass) more than the MSF. HKU MFin maybe also be on the list.
5. With budget concern:
Netherlands: I guess U Amsteram MSc AC & MF, Erasmus Rotterdam MSc QF may also be considered, since they have some math but not too hard. The truly mathematical one like U Amster + ??? MSc Stochastic and financial mathematics, or the one from TU Delft MS Appl. Math (FE) require more mathematics than you have (and I doubt if they are practical enough or not too)
France.........well, France have a very top engineering education, and the companies really like to take students from those top engineering school. I am not really clear about the France stuffs, but I don't think it is a good place to go for your case (since the seperation of business vs engineering school)
Switzerland: I don't really recommend HEC Lausanne. Reason = the combination of (location + discipline + visa) is not good. I will even try UZH MSc Econ (BF) before it. HSG MiQEF is kind of a quantitative program but still quite not as quantitative as those FM / FE program.
Germany: Mannheim is a very good school, but I don't think their master in management match your goal. Same for Goethe Frankfurt MMF. They don't have a financial mathematics program alongside to allow you to take those stuffs in QF/FE.
Italy: Bocconi MS Finance worth considering, quite a solid and quantitative program (within MSF) though they don't have the term quantitative on it; the only concern is the location + if have scholarship or not.
9. If you wanna go for a PhD, better stick with a program offer from econ / math / engineering school instead of one from business school, as you need those foundation theory course for preparation which are not included in business type program.
Of course, given that you don't have enough econ and math background, getting an admission is another problem.

P.S. [off topic] it is always mathematics, then finance, instead of vice versea........all business related subject should only be done right before the last degree before working.

发表于 2015-8-31 20:25:10 | 只看该作者
国内西南的一所985+211一所高校,读的是金融学(双语)专业,(双语真是醉了,水的不能再水,就是多交了一倍的学费)。gpa估计只有3.3(没wes)。大一的成绩很渣,gpa3 都没到。 大二大三的成绩不错,均分都在87左右,数学成绩不太行,但为了上msqf和mfe等项目,选修了matlab和精算模型等乱七八糟课,但是比较水。
目前的话,g730 t98(9月中还要继续刷刷刷,目标是105)
选择这样的实习主要是因为自己career path比较明确,就是想出国读master,能留下工作就留下,不能就回国,金融行业干个三五年,然后出来创业之类的。

list的话,我想JHK的msf和FORDHAM 的MSQF应该能行(上回咨询过);
主要是想:1.不知道BC的msf 或者UCLA的mfe的项目有没有戏,基友在加州上班,挺想去加州的。
2.ND 的msf项目一点信息都没有,觉得这个项目挺女神的,不知道各位大大有什么信息0 0.

发表于 2015-8-31 23:45:10 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2015-8-31 17:35
1. almost all good MFE in US are 1.5 year since the students need the summer for internship. this a ...

好感激cheese哥  如此 详细的帮助!!
我也知道纯finance想做quant的几率很小,也只是看到一些个案。只是cheese哥这么一针见血的分析也是很刺中我的软肋,可能我应该更加直面自己的背景,主申MSF吧...让我再纠结纠结, 加上budgeting的问题真是愁。。。

发表于 2015-9-1 04:45:07 | 只看该作者
huimousanguo 发表于 2015-8-31 23:45
好感激cheese哥  如此 详细的帮助!!
我也知道纯finance想做quant的几率很小,也只是看到一些个案。只是 ...

我想說的是, 其實finance student去做FE, 最缺的不是一個個甚麼甚麼course的technique (since in practical workplace, they are all built in), 最缺的其實是各類math course當中沉浸出來的mindset & way of student have that sci & engineering mentality also, but not those from business school.
发表于 2015-9-1 08:42:49 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2015-9-1 04:45
我想說的是, 其實finance student去做FE, 最缺的不是一個個甚麼甚麼course的technique (since in practic ...

嗯嗯    我也知道挑战很大,但算心中执念吧,跨专业的阵痛是一定有的,不努力争取一下我一定会后悔,万一成功了
发表于 2015-9-6 20:18:13 | 只看该作者
版主大大你好,我一直有个疑问,是否tofel writing 和 AWA 的分数不高但文书写得飞起会不利于申请?
我的GMAT710/AWA 4.0   TOFEL 101/WRITING 22 如果写了一篇文采飞扬(=_=!)的文书,商学院是否质疑我的文书质量?
发表于 2015-9-8 10:12:05 | 只看该作者
我是普通211工科院校computer science毕业,GPA大概3.6,在银行做软件开发做了三年(项目有涉及香港银行柜面系统,只能找到这么点关联了),目前脱产在准备申请香港的MSF。由于本科没有想到要转读金融,只上过一门会计课程,数学相关的有高数、离散、线数、概率。6月份考过一个CFA的一级考试,自己看过一些经济书籍,在MOOC上过几门课,此外没有其他的专业背景和经历了。香港几所应该都会申请,考虑港大、科大、中文应该难度比较大,想主申浸会的MSAF和城大的MSF。G T 马上就要考,估计分数大概在G650  T95左右
1.想问一下定位是否合理,还有就是  如果想试试申请香港的【研究式】研究生这个有可能吗?就是by research的。。。
2.推荐信方面不知道该怎么搞  除了城大基本都要求两封academic推荐信  但是基于转专业我觉得不是那么的相关...目前想发邮件咨询一下学校,准备一封由之前工作的supervisor提供,另一封由学校教数学或会计的老师提供?这样至少还比较相关

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