It may someday be worthwhile to try to recover uranium from seawater, but at present this process is prohibitively expensive. (A) It may someday be worthwhile to try to recover uranium from seawater (B) Someday, it may be worthwhile to try and recover uranium from seawater (C) Trying to recover uranium out of seawater may someday be worthwhile (D) To try for the recovery of uranium out of seawater may someday be worthwhile (E) Recovering uranium from seawater may be worthwhile to try to do someday 想问一下,看见前人都在讨论C的问题。我是想问下E, 按照大全注释的说法,E是犯了effectiveness的问题,but 我认为E较A好在它与后半句未划线部分形成对称关系,后半句说this process ,那么前面也应该是名词性质才对吧?E就很好的做到了这点啊?!!! 请大家指教!!!!谢谢 |