according to the U.S. News ranking, Georgewashington NO.20, WUSL NO.20, and BU NO. 23. no difference in this respect. Georgewashington is in DC, a big job market, but not as big as New York city and L.A. Boston Uni. in Boston is pretty nice too in terms of jobs. But my friend told me that living expenses in Boston is high. But if you are a liberal, heheehe..liberals like Boston WUSL, don't know much about it. I heard that quite a few Chinese LL.Ms study there. Probably Chinese-friendly? It is to be found out. if you are deciding between these three schools, think out what factors matters most to you, such as cost, diversity, speciality, location, and then do the research. the question that "which one of them is the best?" is just too broad. |