16. Concetta: Franchot was a great writer because she was ahead of her time in understanding that industrialization was taking an unconscionable toll on the family structure of the working class.
Alicia: Franchot was not a great writer. The mark of a great writer is the ability to move people with the power of the written word, not the ability to be among the first to grasp a social issue Besides, the social consequences of industrialization were widely understood in Franchot’s day.
In her disagreement with Concetta, Alicia does which one of the following?
(A) Accepts Concetta’s criterion and then ads evidence to concetta’s case
(B) Discredits Concetta’s evidence and then generalizes from new evidence
(C) Rejects Concetta’s criterion and then disputes a specific claim
(D) Disputes Concetta’s conclusion and then presents facts in support of an alternative criterion
(E) Attacks one of Concetta’s claims and then criticizes the structure of her argument
我选了d,因为conclusion就是Franchot was a great writer,后一个人不是对此进行了驳斥吗?但怎么错了呢?我知道两者的标准不同,但是d为什么不对呢? |