The various peoples who developed North America have made it a world leaader economic.
Prehistoric village tended to work harder, suffer from more diseases, and eat the poore diet than nomadic hunters did.
Of 120 minerals known to have been used as gemstones, only about 25 are in common use in today jewelry.
Crystals of pure quartz, usually called rock crystal, are coarseness, colorless, and transparent.
The Mississippi riverboat, which evolved from simpler steamship of the early 1800’s,became the dominant form of passenger transport on the Mississippi River.
Lactose, a sugar present in milk, is one of simple sugars used in food preparations for infants.
1 leaader economic----economic leader 2 omit the 3 coarseness--coarse 4 steamship---steamship because of its [C] nature 5 present---presenting presenting in milk postposition attribute.