论坛的各位亲友,我一直是作文苦手T_T 托福作文最高也就25,痛定思痛决定苦练作文。 今天下午做TPO1的作文,在TPO里面我只写到200词。打字超级慢,思路不清晰...然后在Word里面继续写... 我总是不知道怎么展开,找不到点,而且思路很混乱,希望各位帮帮忙QAQ
题目:At universities and colleges, sports andsocial activities are as important as classes and libraries and should receiveequal financial support.
There was a time when exam-oriented education is the main stream in china. Butgradually people realize the importance of sports and social activities whichguarantee students a good health condition and develop their social skills.However, it is an overstatement that sports and social activities are asimportant as class and libraries at universities. Considering the social roleof universities and the basic task for undergraduate students, universitiesshould attach more significance to classes and libraries and take them as amajor concern when providing financial support.
A university is essentially a place to study. It is obliged to provide studentswith a team of learned professors to guide them, an abundant options of classesin various fields to enrich their spirits, a good storage of books to broadentheir horizons. A university can’t fulfil its basic role of educating people withoutthose fundamental functions. And these can cost much. Knowledge is updated atdramatic speed so universities always need to open new classes and buy newbooks about edging fields. So universities must provide enough financialsupport to class and libraries. What’s more, society ranks universitiesbasically depend on their academic achievements. How many high-quality papers havebeen published? How many breakthrough discoveries have been made? Suchachievements rely a lot on the investment in academic areas, while a goodreputation will never fall on a university simply because of its fantasticsports facilities or abundant social activities. Consequently, universitiesshould put class and libraries as their first priority and give more financialsupport to them than sports and social activities.
On the other hand, the main task for college students is develop their academicskills. If universities invest too much in sports facilities, it may causedistractions to students. College students are in their formative period and commonlyhave limited self-discipline. Given convenient access to sports, collegestudents, especially boys, may spend plenty of time on playing basketball,swimming or other sports. They can’t concentrate on their study and are likelyto end up with poor performances in final examinations or even a difficulty ingraduation. And that is also true with social activities. In addition, thereare many places other than universities for students to do sports orparticipate in social activities such as gyms or clubs, while professionalstudy can only acquire in universities. So less money should be wasted ondeveloping sports or social activities in universities.
In summary, at universities, class and libraries are more important than sportsand social activities. They are core issue of a university and their qualityhave big influence on students’ academic performance and school’s reputation.Thus, they should be priorities in infrastructure establishment anduniversities should give them more financial support.