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Why do you think people attend university?
With the advert of theinformation explosion era, technological advancement has been drasticallytransforming people’s lifestyles. Accessing to highway, railway and air transportation,the “Roof of the world” is no longer a remote place. Given the popularizationof telecommuting, modern companies are able to carry on commerce with foreigncompanies thousands of miles away simply via email or videoconference. Mostexperts nowadays agree that general knowledge is doubling about every twoyears. To stand out among competitive peers in this fast changing society,people enter university in order to enhance their chance of being enrolled bygood businesses, to secure their employability, and to run on a fast track ofadvancement in their careers. Attending university securespeople with larger opportunities of complicated and advanced job. Manycompanies, especially whose job scopes require sophisticated technical skillsand strong adaptability when working under pressure, set a bachelor degree asone of the perquisites for their potential employees. A university degree islike a qualification for a fresh graduate. For example, an IT company willrecruit most of their employees with a major in Computer Science. In addition,the computing skills are popular among almost every technical companies as longas they run on a platform based on computer or a website. The world top 500companies may only select students graduate from brand universities. Thus, auniversity degree enhances the opportunity of being enrolled by a good company. With a rapid pace ofinformation revolution, the knowledge students learnt in the university may beoutdated soon. However, the significance of entering a university is not simplylearning knowledge; most importantly, university trains our brains and enablesus to learn new things quickly in a neat manner. Teachers of university becomea consulter, who you can always approach when you encounter problems ratherthan a preacher. The ability to absorb new knowledge avoids university studentsbeing fired by their current companies and increases their competition andemployability when a bigger revolution comes. Nokia, once the king in mobileindustry, got bankrupt when they refused to innovate and to follow the pace ofrevolution of the operating system. People in modern society who hesitate tochange themselves will suffer the same consequences as Nokia. Finally, attending universitynot only helps secure a job, but also facilitates promotion and advancement inthe company. Most of the companies prefer to have a managerial role occupied bya person with a higher degree and strong adaptabilities. Thus, we can see thatonly via university education can we meet the demands of society and make ourfuture success inevitable. That’s why people attend university.