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[心经] 北美考試: 111=27+27+27+30; 主要分享Notefull口語技巧, 免費課程連線和錄音樣本

发表于 2014-5-6 05:22:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
從這論壇學到很多, 希望回饋. 很能體會各位的煎熬.

主要想分享我把speaking score從23拉到27的經過. 其他項目, 就快速帶過. 這裡人才濟濟, 不需我多言.

背景: 在英語系國家居住超過10年. 在醫院工作. 英文是第四語言

1) Reading(27): 不要整篇讀完才回答, 要不然作不完. 看題目後, 直接從問題下手. 千萬別浪費太多時間在同個問題. 不確定, 就隨便選, 馬上到下題.

2) Listening(27): 注意聽, 不要抄太多筆記. 光抄筆記, you would not see the wood for the trees. 他們幾乎都會ask about the purpose of the lecture or conversation.

3) Speaking(27): 從國外論壇得知許多外籍藥劑師為了拿北美執照考了好幾次, 有些甚至考超過20次還是拿不到要求的26分. 讓我很緊張, 很後悔平時不重視表達能力. 我的新工作執照要求在八月前每項考超過24分. 如果沒過, 就慘了因為已經把現在的工作辭了(工作到六月), 新工作也會沒了. 由於時間緊迫, 在四月初考了第一次. 那次準備了2個禮拜. 每天讀3-4小時(白天要工作). 主要專注於口語. 以前只有聽過托福, 不知道內容. 在網路四處找資源, 從這裡得到最多, 非常感激.

我做了跟別人不一樣的就是上了Notefull's self-directed online study modules. 我覺得他的課程很有效, 但沒必要跟我一樣花錢加入因為差別不大. 可惜第一次口語成績不理想, 只考23分 (fair, fair, fair). 原因很多: 1) 準備不充分, 2) 過度依賴模板, 無法充分發揮自己的意見, 3) 回答時沒注意timer, 4題沒及時答完. 雖然沒達到目標, 這燃起我的希望因為離目標不遠.

重考相隔3個禮拜. 我檢討學習方式. 問題在於練習不足, 難在15秒內快速找出適當的理由和例子, 造成緊張. 所以土法煉鋼, 開始蒐集Q1/2的考題. 總共收集了五百多題, 把他們整理by common theme (activity, culture, place, technology, time, food, health, alone vs. group, big vs. small, indoor vs. outdoor, new vs. old, taking risk or not, etc.). 雖然網路上的解答並不都是標準, 而且北美考題很少重複, 但還是能藉此吸取別人的ideas. "新托福口語真經3"對這幫助很多. 同時, 用"TOEFL recorder"錄答案. 強迫在45秒內講7個句子. 前後錄了三百五十題解答. 有空用手機播放. 雖然錄音蠻費時間和精力, 但對學習很有幫助. 講話變快, ideas變多, 憑感覺知道45秒的長度. 考試前幾天, 對每題快速冥想兩個reasons. 比如, do you agree that children should grow up in countryside? 馬上想 1) greater sense of community, 2) less air pollution and noises. 這樣可確定能快速找到理由, 而例子可以臨場編. 感覺壓力變小很多.

以下是從Notefull吸收到的重點和課程連線. 希望對大家有所幫助:

Q1/2: Content (coherence) and fluidity (no pause) are more important than intonation and accent. Support the reasons with your own personal experiences (who, where, when, what) by telling them through time. Do not use advanced words unless you are sure of the meaning. Aim for 9 short sentences per answer while avoiding complex sentence structure. Pay attention to the timer and try to finish on time. Create your own templates and keep them succinct so that you can talk more about the topic itself. You do not need to provide two reasons each time; one reason may suffice as long as you provide enough details. Concluding sentences such as "This is why I agree with..." are unnecessary to get high scores.
Q3: This is a recorder question. You have to listen attentively to the conversation and regurgitate what is said in the recording using the exact same words. Avoid paraphrasing as this is not what is tested in this question.
Q4/6: Again, you need to listen carefully to the lecture, but this time you must summarize the content. You need to be selective with what you include in your response since there is no way for one to squeeze the entire lecture content (about 2.5min) into the allocated time frame (60s). You need to capture the important points and convey them in your own words. So these two questions examine both the content and speaking ability.  
Q5: Briefly explain the problem and the two solutions. Explain the pros and cons associated to each solution. In the end, you must choose a position and very briefly state why; this should take you only a sentence and 5 seconds.

免費的Notefull instructional videos:

重考拿了27分 (good, good, good), 兩題沒答完, 已經很滿意了. 這次除了講話快了點外, 比較沒拘泥於模板. 模板像個框框, 阻止自由發揮. 雖然模板可讓你拿到23-24分, 但要達到26-30分的境界, 建議少用或簡化模板. In the attached sample answer recording, 可知道我回答的速度, 音調和口音. 口音當然跟當地人相差千里, 但別人還是聽得懂, 這才是最重要的. 還有不要認為我在壓力下能發揮到這水準. 實際上只能達到60-70%, 不過還是拿到了27分. 所以要對自己有信心.

*知己知彼, 必勝之道. 有必要了解ETS的記分方式: 23 (fair, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair); 24 (good, fair, fair, fair, fair, fair); 25 (does not exist); 26 (good, good, fair, fair, fair, fair); 27 (good, good, good, fair, fair, fair); 28 (good, good, good, good, fair, fair); 29 (good, good, good, good, good, fair); 30 (good, good, good, good, good, good).
我把精力專注於Q1/2是乎不聰明. 其實Q3/5和Q4/6反而比較容易拿高分因為不必想內容. 只要在任何一題拿到good, 就24分. 如果兩個good's, 就26分! 所以要注意時間的利用.
*看清楚問題要什麼: compare two positions, provide any example or provide your own opinion. 必須完整地回答.

4) Writing(30): The structure, content and length (I wrote 350, 550 words) of your essays are the key to high scores. Grammar and spelling are not as crucial. Notefull is also extremely helpful for this part.

My 2 cents. 參考就好.
Best of luck to you all!


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thank you vm
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thanks so much!
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