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Carnegie Mellon University Graduate School of Industrial Administration 2002-2003
Location: Pittsburgh, PA Website: www.gsia.cmu.edu
Application Due Dates: Nov. 15, Jan. 15, Mar. 31, Apr. 30
Essays: Three essays (two pages each) Interview: By invitation only Recommendations: Two, with one preferably coming from your direct supervisor Résumé Application fee: $100 Essay Questions and Types
What are your reasons for undertaking MBA study at Carnegie Mellon? Please describe how your experience, education, Carnegie Mellon MBA and future career plans relate to each other. Describe your short-term and long-term objectives and how you plan to achieve them. (Future Goals/School Fit)
Because MBA students work closely together, we would like to understand what there is about your background and your experiences that would make a contribution to the diversity of the entering class and enhance the educational experience of other students. (Diversity)
Please answer one of the following two questions:
a) Please describe an ethical issue that you have faced in your professional life, how you dealt with the situation and what the outcome was. (Ethics)
b) Please describe a failure or setback in your professional or academic life. How did you overcome this setback? What, if anything, would you do differently if confronted with this situation again? (Failure)
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-7-21 12:43:03编辑过] |