写作破阵版 (破阵版写作: 最高危险口说写作题 pp. 44-57) 全中。可惜是口说全泡汤,目前看应该是2007~2008的旧题拼盘 (不是老师不加进去,而是加进去范围就太大了。)
Passage 1 Effects of European IndustryDevelopment: 随着工业的发展ruralarea也越来越发达了,因为城市里manufacture工业的发展..._p.12高危险阅读听力)
Passage 2 The Great Depression : 1929-1936年的大萧条 the Great Depression,先是经过20年代后期连续5年的高速发展 (the roaring 20s),股票啥的狂涨300%经济*,然后从某个园星期四开始狂降,第一阶段刚稳定...(p.9高危险阅读听力)
Integrated (Writing Set 16, p. 50)
An American company has launched a plan to encourage workers to live healthy lives.
Independent (Writing Set 3, p. 45)
A/D? One can learn much about another through the books and movies the person likes.