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发表于 2003-7-17 22:56:00 | 只看该作者


20. Politician: Homelessness is a serious social problem, but further government
spending to provide low-income housing is not the cure for homelessness.
The most cursory glance at the real-estate section of any major newspaper is
enough to show that there is no lack of housing units available to rent. So the
frequent claim that people are homeless because of a lack of available housing is

That homelessness is a serious social problem figures in the argument in which
one of the following ways?

(A) It suggests an alternative perspective to the one adopted in the argument.
(B) It sets out a problem the argument is designed to resolve.
(C) It is compatible either with accepting the conclusion or with denying it.
(D) It summarizes a position the argument as a whole is directed toward
(E) It is required in order to establish the conclusion.

答案是C,请问'homelessness is a serious social problem'
是如何既能accepting the conclusion,又能denying it的呢?

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-7-17 22:58:49编辑过]
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