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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障25系列】【25-01】文史哲_The Mayflower

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发表于 2013-9-16 14:09:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-9-16 14:28:26 | 只看该作者
open-plan office: communicate, cooperation, hot, consider other people, polite
privacy office: noise
would you mind...; it is OK if I...; Please, thank you, sorry

Time 2: 1'42
history of Mayflower, when did its owner buy it,where the ship went and the importance of the ship in the business between different countries and continent
supposed to accompany S, but finally ship itself
Time 3: 2'30
S and F planned to go US together, but S always leaked during the trip. Finally, F decided to go US on its own. first half voyage was smooth, the last half was hard. arrived HR but not NV
[REST]: 39'
why M finally decided to arrive in CC but not HR, bad weather, storm, rough sea.
After settling down, they began construction first building
[Warm up]: 1'17
the introduction about the structure and use of different part of the ship
Time 4: 2'10
the reasons for ship to have gun deck, defend itself, turn into military use if necessary
many passengers were living in the small gun deck. the situation inside the gun deck. and the passengers still in the gun deck before they settled down in new place
Time 5: 1'48
weak should be taken with their man?
an example for disappear colonist to illustrate the unsafe situation
many husbands decided to let their wives back and take their wives after the houses were built
but still some let their wives go with them
Time 6: 2'09
women had high death rates because the bad living after arrivals
the reason may be the bad situation inside Mayflower, the ship
many of them died in hard winter
only 4 of those 17 women survived
Obstacle 5'02
fist voyage: not satisfied to Holland, even religious free, but bad living situation
Second voyage: allowed by UK king, bad sailing weather, many sailors died, but finally reach one land, however it is not the planned destiny, sailed back to England, but many were died because of malnutrition; someone helped those people learn to catch local animals and harvest some food.
The sailors descendants, the colonists believe they are chosen by the God to do this.
发表于 2013-9-16 15:04:16 | 只看该作者
The Mayflower was made in 1607 and then started its first voyage in 1609, from England to Nowrway. However, when the ship returned from Nowrway, it confronted with so heavy storms that the master had to give up some goods that were brought from other countries to reduce the weight of the ship in order to keep safe. In addition, the ship experienced a lot of trips, even the first trans-Atlantic voyage. At last, Mayflower was too old to work and was disposed to scrap.  
There was another ship, called S, to go with Mayflower together to reach America. Nevertheless, even though S was repaired so many times, it still leaked so often that Mayflower had to quit the partner and go to America alone. Some passangers went back, while others joined the Mayflower that was already full of people. In the end, Mayflower was successful to arrive at America.
When they reached Cape Cod, they wanted to go south. Surprisingly, the treacherous conditions such as strong storms prevented them trying to explore farther. So they decided to stay in Cape Cod to find out whether they can find in the area. As a result, they got to P and began to make the first building.
The length and width of Mayflower has been introduced, and the main structures such as the cabin, the windlass, the gun room, as well as the condition that when there was a war, the king or the queen could order a merchant ship to a military ship are shown to us.
How hard for a woman to live during the voyage! It was safer for women to come to America after their husbands set up the colony. Therefore, husbands decided to keep their wives behind, even though they had to live without their wives for a long time. But 18 women came to the ship and started their hard voyage.
Even though none of the women died during the voyage, a large number of them died after arriving America. Husbands went out to build new houses, while wives were left in the ship. Unfortunately, many women died because of the terrible and closed environment in the ship. For example, they couldn't drink fresh water just as their husbands did in the open area. Besides, it was the women who took care of patients, thus making women more likely to get diseases. On the other hand, those women who are left behind by their husbands were alive and came to America after the new colony was built.
发表于 2013-9-16 15:20:10 | 只看该作者
Thanks Jay,,, well,,, I am back to xfd..

TIME2: 2min06
Describe the origins of the ship, Mayflow and the reasons why Mayflower took the trans-Altantic voyage alone.
TIME3: 2min24
TIME5: 1min45
TIME6: 2min24
Prior to the Mayflower voyaye, the colonist on boards had to make decisions whether they should take their wives together. As the Mayflower left for America, there were 18 adult women on-board.
TIME7: 3min1
While there were no women died during the voyaye, life after arrival proved extremely difficult.
TIME8: 6min29sec
One of the young crew wrote to his aunt to describe the harsh voyaye journy. Although the hardship almost made the crews helpless, they eventually chose to continue.
TIME9: 2min29sec
Lizzy was full of fear in her letter written to her Aunt.
发表于 2013-9-16 17:00:29 | 只看该作者
The separatists decided to move to new world because their lives in Holland were so hard. Two ships were sailed but one was leaked, leading to a delay of sailing into storm season. Mayflowers struggled to new world known as American today. Crews suffered from diseases, but they adapted to new environment under the help of the local tribes. They celebrated the first harvest for three days, known as Thanksgiving today.

Time 2: 2”39
Time 3: 2”32
The rest: 0”49
Warm up: 1”14
Time 4: 2”23
Time 5: 2”10
Time 6: 2”29
Time 8: 2”54
Time 9: 2”07
发表于 2013-9-16 17:11:26 | 只看该作者


发表于 2013-9-16 17:58:56 | 只看该作者
2‘12 2’22 2'19
1'42 the women condition on the ship: most of men leave their wifes behind considering the tough conditions there
while 18 women were accompied with their husbands, no single women but a few teenage girls reaching marriage age
2‘ most of the women died during the voyage because of cold weather and disease on board
while most of women left behind survived.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-16 18:36:46 | 只看该作者
sherryv 发表于 2013-9-16 01:51

发表于 2013-9-16 20:19:45 | 只看该作者
obstacle 5'3'6
The saints headed to Holland at first to find a place where they can worship their god freely, but the secular circumstance in Holland disapointed them. The have to sail to new world to fullfill their goals. This saints started their journey from England and finally arrived after overcoming all obstacles. At there, they learned from the natives and celebrated the first Thanksgiving in that year.
this paragragh describes the first sail of the Mayflower and several trips followed. But the first tan-Atalantic ocean of this ship is the journey to New virginia with saints and crew in on the ship. At last, the Mayflower was sold because the ship's condition is not so well.
In their original plan, Mayflower and Speedwell are supposed to leave England at the some time, but Speedwell leaked many times and are impossible to repair. So the Mayflower took the trip by itselfs. Finally, the Mayflower arrived the New world right on target.
saints stayed at North and started their plantation.
发表于 2013-9-16 20:22:51 | 只看该作者
Time 2: 2’00’’ Mayflower, a ship used to execute the assignment of shipping commodities between England and several other European countries, took off its first trans-Atlantic voyage, also the first recorded trans-Atlantic voyage in human history, in May 1620. After successfully arrived at Northern Virginia 66 days later, the ship headed back to England. The captain died a couple of years later, leaving the ship referred as ruins with very little economic value.  

Time 3: 2’38’’ Mayflower used to carry voyage mission between London and Southampton and was hired then with Speedwell to commit voyage mission carrying some pilgrims to America. Unfortunately, since the Speedwell failed to patch up its leak problem, it had to sail back, leaving Mayflower heading to America alone. Finally, despite encountering several storms, the Mayflower carried this fairly smoothly, arriving at the targeted destination.

Time 4: 1’44’’ Introduce the place where pilgrims live in.

Time 5: 1’45’’ Discuss whether it is proper to carry women or not. Considering women’s bodies are relatively weak, some male pilgrims choose to leave women at home but most of the pilgrims take their wives along.

Time 6: 1’58’’ Most of the wives sailed with their husbands died after landing America while the other stayed in England were living and come to America in 1623.

Obstacle: 3’58’’ Pilgrims who can’t stand the corrupting English Church and secular atmosphere in Holland sail to America. The ship finally anchored in Plymouth and the pilgrims survives with the help of local Indian people.
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