85. (29201-!-item-!-188;#058&003882) In 1945, after a career as FirstLady in which she shattered expectations more audaciously than eitherAbigail Adams or Dolly Madison ever had been, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed adelegate to the United Nations General Assembly by President Harry S Truman. (A) more audaciously than eitherAbigail Adams or Dolly Madison ever had been, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed adelegate to the United Nations General Assembly by President Harry S Truman(B) more audaciously than eitherAbigail Adams or Dolly Madison, President Harry S Truman had Eleanor Rooseveltappointed to be a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly(C) with an audacity never matchedin the case of Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison, President Harry S Truman hadEleanor Roosevelt appointed as a delegate to the United Nations GeneralAssembly(D) with an audacity never matchedby Abigail Adams or Dolly Madison, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed a delegateto the United Nations General Assembly by President Harry S Truman(E) with an audacity never matchedeither in the case of Abigail Adams or of Dolly Madison's, Eleanor Rooseveltwas appointed to be a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly byPresident Harry S Truman
答案 D