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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障21系列】【21-16】科技

发表于 2013-7-10 00:48:45 | 只看该作者
1 210 1min10
The glaciers are known to erode the surface of the mountainsand wearing down the summit as the ice slowly slides downhill. But a new studysuggests the other way around. The mountains in mid-to-low altitude may gainheight because the glaciers have a lift effect.
2 221 1min25
The first France scientist found the ice protects the areafrom erosion. The scientist in Yale suggests that the result is not suitablefor all mountains and the ice with wet base is strongly erosive.
3 337 2min15
If we can use cells to develop a 3D human organ, that willsave a lot lives. It’s not easy. The scientists in Japan made a mixed liver precursorcell with 2 other type cells to develop a liver bud. They put the bud into amouse body to figure if the liver can attach with the blood vessels and befunctional. The result is positive and gives the scientists confident.
4 254 1min24
Even the result is so exciting, we still have a long way toput the theory into practice and benefit patients, at least a decade to go.
5 299 2min10
What’s the PMC-How many we found-Unnaturally moisture insome of them-caused by rockets launching exhaust
Obstacle 1005 5min17
Will you still go swim if there is a shark attack recently?How to reduce the possibility to get bite? The author suggests ask 3 questionsbefore we head to the beach. What’s the weather? What condition is thesurroundings? What am I doing? Don’t wear shining jewelry to get the sharkscurious. The government need to balance their budget to keep everyone informedand educated with doing everything else. Get more knowledge about the sharkhabits, the ocean to keep ourselves safe. The community needs to post therecently attack story to warn the surfers and have medical care ready.  

发表于 2013-7-10 03:56:54 | 只看该作者
TIME1:00‘55’‘  The glacier can protect the mountain from erosion. It has been thought that the glacier removes the surface and transfer the sediment of the mountain. But the new study shows that the glacier help to keep the mountain in the high latitude.
TIME2:  01'11''  The study is taken to measure the effect of the glacier to the mountain. The result shows that the more efficient erosion occures at the non-glacier mountain. But it can not verify that the glacier help protect the mountain. As the climate changes and the global warm increases, the glacier may intensify the erosion of the mountain
TIME3: 01'43'' A group in Tokyo transplant the  precursor cells into mice and the final purpose is to transfer these cells into human body to generate the new tissue of the organs. The new transplanted organ always has the imcompatible problem. But this new founding may solve the problem
TIME4: 00'58'' The experiment shows that precursor cells can develop into organ in the mammal animals. It can develop in to different organs. If this can be used for human, it will bring about huge benefit. But it is hard to put into practice and it is difficult to contral the process. That is way the Japanese scientists said that it will be several decades away
TIME5: 01'36'' A certain increase water in the claud in the polar may be the result of the rocket lauching. The data shows that the claud moist is high although the sun shine is more powerful duiring that period

Obstacle: 05'03''
MI: some knowledges about how to avoid the shark attack
ATT: neutral
==> how to reduce the risk of encountering the shark
    ==> Check the weather before go to the beach
    ==>  check the environment condition and time of the day
    ==>  what am i doing
==> what the countermeansures the community can take to reduce the shark attack risk?
    ==>  make the signs board to information the people heading to the beach
    ==>  do not  swim far shore
         ==> information about the weather and shark
==> the community should use the sign board to inform the people who come to the beach that there is risk of shark attact. It is not threaten, but it is warning

发表于 2013-7-10 05:29:07 | 只看该作者


T1:1'02''26 (210 words)
The glaciers are preventing mountains located at higher lattitude from erosion and helping them to grow.
T2: 1'08''12 (221 words)
The study details on how Mont Blanc presents in with or without glacier area. But the effect doesn't apply to all mountains.
T3: 2'14''29 (337 words)
Scientists in Tokyo are trying to transplant self-growing liver to mice to prove that the mix of precurse cells and other cells can contribute to the regrowing of human's organs.
T4: 1'04''69 (254 words)
There're still decades away from transplaning to mice to transplanting to human because scientists need to accumulate enough available precursor cells.
T5: 1'52''26 (299 words)
More moisture was found to form the PMCs are found due to more rockets lauched over past years.

Ob: 4'49''48 (1005 words)
Main idea: What the communities show tell people to avoid Shark-bites and how.
Attitude: Neutral
     - Local governments and communities are trying to find ways to communicate with tourists on how to avoid shark-bites effectively.
     - For tourists, 3 questions to ask: 1) What's the weather? 2) What's the temperature? 3) What am I doing?
     - For communities, 3 things to pay attention to: 1) Shark notice 2) tell the most comfortable temperature for Sharks and report current water temperature. 3) provide first-aid nearby
     - The responses for shark-bites are changing; more communications are better choice.

发表于 2013-7-10 06:30:14 | 只看该作者

Time5 02:57
A recent study suggests that the cloud at high altitudes is become moister because of the launch of rockets.

Time6 08:48
This passage aims to tell us what swimmers and governments can do to avoid people being attacked by whales when going  swinmming and what are the responses of communities after someone has been attacked.
发表于 2013-7-10 06:38:27 | 只看该作者
thanks ppx~
TIME1  1:24
Glaciers prevent mountains located at a higher latitude, as well as protect mountains from erosion.
TIME2  1:33
- scientists found that weighty presense of ice protects abarasion underlying bedrock, showing glacier indeed protects mountains.
- but ice doesn't protect all mountains and even it can destroy mountains as temperature changes in particular.

to be continuous...
发表于 2013-7-10 07:20:10 | 只看该作者
Time1 [220] 1:51
Time2 [221] 1:51
Time3 [337] 3:03
Time4 [254] 1:42
发表于 2013-7-10 07:44:33 | 只看该作者
T1 以为是介绍,忘了计时

Obstacles: 05:36.57
发表于 2013-7-10 08:34:23 | 只看该作者

My words:
Article four <How Should We Respond When Humans and Sharks Collide?> is most helpful in our daily life, especially for beach-lover. Before reading this passage, I only know that the way to avoid shark attack is defending-net. In fact, there are a plate of professional ways for ourselves to avoid shark attack, including "what is the weather" "What is the time of day and environmental conditions" and "What am I doing". Additionaly, what impresses me much is that food residues may attract shark so you'd better not go into the unclear water in a bad time.
发表于 2013-7-10 08:43:38 | 只看该作者



the passage is talking about how to deal with the risks from shark attack.
1.the author said there are three questions need to ask before into the sea
  >>>About weather -- avoiding into water during the storm and 24 hours after the storm
  >>>the time and environment condition--At dawn and dust, as well as some season, shark attack happened frequently,
  >>>what am I doing--avoiding swim alone in far away from shore.
2.the author provides three suggestions that government can do--conveying the informantion to public; leting people swim near the shore;informing the weather and shark behavior.
3.what should communities do after the shark attacks.
发表于 2013-7-10 08:55:59 | 只看该作者
1.        2.35  [210]
2.        1.23  [221]
3.        2.29  [337]
4.        1.24  [254]
5.        1.58  [299]
6.        5.39  [1005]
This passage discusses that what people should do to prevent shark incidents and how government responds to the public shark incidents
1.        Different governments face the same problem: shark attack.
2.        What people should know before going to a beach: weather, environmental conditions and what to do to avoid shark incidents.
3.        What people should to prevent a shark incident, for example, do not swim too far away the store
The government’s attitudes to increasing number of accidents in sharp are still the same.
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