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[issue] Issue113 求拍

发表于 2013-6-5 23:52:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Claim: The surest indicator of a greatnation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists.
Reason: The surest indicator of a greatnation is actually the welfare of all its people.
Write a response in which you discuss the extentto which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which thatclaim is based
What’s the best indicator of a nation’sgreatness? Regarding to this issue, there are a host opinions held by differentindividuals with different backdrops and experience. Some people may supportthe welfare is a reliable indicator of a great nation. I don’t deny it, but I heldthat the achievement of its rulers, artists, or scientists is equal ofimportant.
Admittedly, welfare is the essential partof a great country, which includes living condition, education standard, socialsecurity system and health care system. Comparing with poor countries like DPRKand Afghanistan, people living in America certainly have the better welfare. Acountry, where the civilian have no access to education, cannot get medicalaids to treat diseases, or even have no place to live or no food to eat, cannever be great. Lacking of welfare often results in social upheaval such asrobbery in the streets, steal from shopping malls, and drastic dissatisfactionwith the unemployment. Take nowadays’ India as example, although the economyhas increased a lot during the last decades, there exists plentiful deficiencyand drawbacks in the welfare system. This is why many ordinary residents inIndia refer that they are not really happy and blithe.
However, we should not neglect theinfluence of prominent rulers on the greatness of a country. In fact, thewelfare is often brought about by the rulers with broad and long-term view.Deng Xiaoping, the general designer of the policy of reform and opening, leadthe nation to step on the way to be prosperous, strong, and democratic andimprove the status of China in the international affairs. Without Deng’s eminentachievement, we Chinese cannot have lived a happy life unconceivable to thecivilian at the turn of 1980s.
Besides, the contribution of scientists andartists should also be taken into consideration when defining the greatness of acountry. Scientific achievement can bring us more convenience in many aspects.For example, the wireless networks which use satellites orbiting the earth makesit possible for us to communicate with each other wherever we are. Thediscovery of vaccine helps humans thoroughly eradicate the detrimental diseasesmallpox. Moreover artists’ achievement should not be ignored either. As amatter a fact, many successful individuals get motivation from art. Outstandingphysicist Albert Einstein has the habit of playing violin when he feltdepressed in the scientific research. Appreciating masterpiece of artistsusually can make the inner world peaceful and we can get inspiration from it.
To sum up, welfare is necessary section ofa great country. But the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientistsequal the same importance. The devotions of these elite determine thedevelopment of a country even the world. Both of them are the indicators of agreat country.
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