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发表于 2004-12-20 02:14:00 | 只看该作者


24. It now seems clear that the significant role initially predicted for personal computers in the classroom has not become fact. One need only look to the dramatic decline in sales of computers for classroom use in the past year for proof that the fad has passed.

Which one of the following arguments contains flawed reasoning parallel to that in the argument above?

(A) Clearly government legislation mandating the reduction of automobile emissions has been at least partially successful, as is demonstrated by the fact that the air of the 20 largest cities now contains smaller amounts of the major pollutants mentioned in the legislation than it did before the legislation was passed.

(B) Mechanical translation from one language into another, not merely in narrow contexts such as airline reservations but generally, is clearly an idea whose time has come. Since experts have be4en working on the problem for 40 years, it is now time for the accumulated expertise to achieve a breakthrough.

(C) Sales of computers for home use will never reach the levels optimistically projected by manufacturers. The reason is that home use was envisioned as encompassing tasks, such as menu planning and checkbook reconciliation, that most homemakers perform in much simpler ways than using a computer would require.

(D) It is apparent that consumers have tired of microwave ovens as quickly as they initially came to accept this recent invention. In contrast to several years of increasing sales following the introduction of microwave ovens, sales of microwave ovens flattened last year indicating that consumers have found relatively little use for these devices.

(E) Creating incentives for a particular kind of investment inevitably engenders boom-and-bust cycles. The evidence is in the recent decline in the value of commercial real estate, which shows that, although the government can encourage people to put up buildings, it cannot guarantee that those buildings will be fully rented or sold.


我选的A,请问这道题arguments contain的flaw是什么呢?谢谢!

发表于 2004-12-20 23:08:00 | 只看该作者
declined sale of computer is somewhat irrelevent to exam the role computers play in clasrooms. maybe presently students are more dependent upon computers than before.
发表于 2004-12-21 13:02:00 | 只看该作者

有时候有市场饱和的问题呀, 一个东西市场饱和, 销售量下降,但其实用处还是大大的,用的人也很多

 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-21 16:26:00 | 只看该作者

Thanks a lot, you two, got it

发表于 2019-8-13 17:04:21 | 只看该作者
hades 发表于 2004-12-20 02:14
24. It now seems clear that the significant role initially predicted for personal computers in the c ...

Spot the question type: Method of the reasoning - Parallel reasoning + Flaw

Core of the argument

he key to answering these questions correctly is to make a good up-front analysis of the original argument before proceeding to the choices. The better you know what kind of "template" you're looking for, the better you'll be able to eliminate the bad choices.

The error in this argument is not a causal one, as you suggested. Nowhere does the author suggest that the decline in sales is the ONLY reason... nor is the decline in sales really a "reason" at all. It's a piece of evidence -- an indicator -- not a cause.

So an analysis of the argument might look like this:

Conclusion: Computers don't have a very significant role in classroom.

Premise: There has been a decline in sales over the past year.

From this point, it seems rather clear what the flaw is, doesn't it? The author is equating a drop in sales with a lack of significance.

We should identify the choice with this same flaw.

(A) the conclusion here is not a good match -- "at least partially successful" -- nor is the reasoning. This choice is indeed a causal argument, so I see why you chose it originally, having mis-identified the original flaw.

(B) not even close. An idea whose time has come?

(C) not even close, the conclusion is a future prediction.

(D) an exact match! Conclusion: Consumers have found little use for microwaves. Premise: Sales have dropped in the past year.
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