Issue 63 People should undertake risky action only after they have carefully considered its consequneces.
Should peopleundertake risky action only after they have carefully considered itsconsequences? In modern society things become complex and entangled withseveral related factor, which could have several consequences. Considering thatyou want to invest the extra money in the stock market, in where more riskymore benefit, you may lose all your investment but also double or more yourinitial money. But you have only minutes to decide invest or not, so I thinksometimes people should undertake risky before considering its consequences.
Admittedly,thinking fully of the results of an action can minimize the possible loss ormaximize the gain. Because you can compare the consequences in the method ofcost-revenue or consult with some expert or veteran in that field beforeundertaking risky action, you may choose the best one strategy. For example,when you receive an admission and an offer from different university in thesame major, in order to relieve the financial burden of family you may acceptthe offer, but the university, which only gives you the admission, has moreadvanced equipment, professional teachers and comfortable school environment.After chatting with the students who have already graduated from there, you gotthe information that the employment of that university is better than anotherone. Based on all the data you collected, you may choose the admission finally.
However, thereare so many cases that you don’t have enough time to thinking or consideringthe consequences instead you should make a decision and take action just in afew minutes, just like the investment in stock market. The price of stock israndom fluctuating, thus you need to decide to buy or sell the stock accordingto your analysis. All of this action should finished in several minutes, so youhave to undertake the risky which may cause the counterproductive effects-losing all your money. Another example is the car accident, which happens injust seconds. When you driving the car on the high way rapidly, the intuitionwill lead you to brake the car seeing a deer suddenly come out from the bushesalong with the road. Definitely, there is no time to think about theresponsibility what if the car hit the deer.
Evenif time is sufficient for consideration, sometimes we also should undertake therisky action. Always immersed in the consequences and fear of the badsituations, most businessmen couldn’t achieve significant success. Bill Gates,who made a risky decision to leave Harvard before finished his recourses, establishedthe Microsoft, which made an important contribution to the progress ofInformation Industry and changed the whole human world in the future time. Withoutthe risky action of Bill, we may still only communicate with the foreignfriends by telephone.
In sum, even though spending time on considering the consequences has some benefitfor the decision we made, in modern life we may need to take risky action in afew minutes or even seconds, cannot think about the results. And, for fear ofthe bad consequences caused by risky action, many people will be hesitant toundertake the risk, which probably will change the world we live.
写的这么差吗  大家连鄙视的心都没了