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曼彻斯特商学院(MBS) 全球在职MBA招生系列活动 上海(5/18 5/24) 北京(5/25)

发表于 2013-5-12 01:03:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Manchester Business School Part-time Global MBA
Upcoming Events in China
Shanghai & Beijing

Manchester Business School would like to invite you to Information Session & Career Talk to find out more about the impact of a Global MBA on your career and learn about how the success of MBS Global MBA in China was achieved.

Global MBA Information Session & Career Talk: Innovation Leadership

While innovation is firmly on the agenda of many of today’s business leaders, transforming intention into reality remains a major challenge. During the Global MBA Career Talk, with the precision and attention to detail warranted by academic work – and the responsiveness and pragmatism required for successful business strategy, Dr. Marina Guo will help you understand the path of Global Leader Behaviors. She will also share the most up-to-date concepts on the innovation of leadership style in a globalized business world to enhance the career progression for future leaders.

The ‘Info Brunch Gathering’ will also be a chance to find out more about the part-time Global MBA by meeting MBS China Centre Director, Mrs. Sherry Fu. She will share the impact of a Global MBA on your career and learn about how the success of MBS Global MBA in China.
About the Speaker


Dr. Marina Guo
Vice Director, John Howkins Research Centre on Creative Economy

Dr. Guo works as Executive Director for the Global Education Conference on Creative Industries Shanghai. Marina holds Ph.D. in Economics, Master of Arts and bachelor in Economics. She used to be a cultural entrepreneur before her role in education & research. Being a cross-over creative leader, Dr. Marina Guo is interested in initiating and developing cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary creative projects. She has been working with leading international organizations to run international conferences, festivals & cultural events as well as to facilitate international business development for Chinese creative enterprises.


Sherry Fu, Director, China Centre, Manchester Business School

Sherry Fu has 15 years’ experience in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and the UK. She established the MBS China international Centre in Shanghai in 2008, developing and implementing the School’s strategies in the region, managing China Centre’s operation, and participating in development and management of strategic partnerships in the region. Prior to joining the University of Manchester, she worked for a leading institution in London. Her early career in media enabled her extensive links with business elites, media and government. Ms. Fu is an associate professor and obtained a dual Master’s degree from China and the UK
Event Details

地点:朗廷扬子精品酒店 2楼子美厅


Global MBA Information Session & Application Guidance

On Friday, 24th May, we are hosting our 'Information Session & Application Guidance' – a chance to find out more about the part-time Global MBA. We believe MBS will help ambitious working professionals to getting the skill set meet Career Goals and Earn your World Class MBA without Interrupting Career. The Global MBA Marketing and Recruitment Team will be on hand to answer any of your questions. The event will also provide the guidance as to how to apply for the Global MBA Programme and catch up the application deadline for July 2013 intake. You can drop in and see us on the Friday evening and we'd be delighted if you could come along.

Event Details

地址:上海市南京西路1376号 628房间




About the Speaker


曼彻斯特商学院 中国中心主任

傅女士全面负责并推动执行曼彻斯特商学院在华发展战略和管理中国中心运营。她将欧洲顶级商学院享誉国际的MBA、DBA(工商管理博士)和培训项目拓展引入到中国,在2008年创建英国曼彻斯特大学商学院(MBS)中国中心。她将为您详尽介绍在职Global MBA的项目特色、职业发展负责以及学院与世界一流公司的合作关系。
Event Details



About MBS

Manchester Business School is one of the world’s top 30 institutions that receive triple accreditations (EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA). The Manchester Method is an innovative and practical ap­proach for on-the-job professionals around the world to learn and excel to be future leaders.

  • MBA Program ranked No. 5 globally in ROI by Forbes 2011
  • DBA Program ranked No. 1 globally by Financial Times 2011
  • 4,000 executive students from over 100 countries plus renowned international academics
  • Triple accredited by AMBA, AACSB and EQUIS
  • Global footprint: 7 MBS Executive Centres to attend workshops - SHANGHAI, Manchester, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Brazil and Miami.
  • 100% English language, international students and faculty
  • Dedicated global careers service to help enhance your career

Now we are recruiting July 2013 intake! Application Deadline: 28th May, 2013

Tel: 86-21-6279-8660
Suite 628, 6/F, 1376 Nanjing Road West, Shanghai
Manchester Business School China Centre

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