(A) Originally developed for detectingair pollutants, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission, which canquickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance withoutdestroying it,
这里面的which是跳跃指代了 a technique, emission那个修饰的是technique,which可以小小的跳跃指代technique的。
但是c 和d的选项里,用的是called proton....emission,这里emission没有修饰technique,which按照就近指代,就指的是emission,所以就不对了。
最近看关于which的帖子说OG上有个例句: From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage yet was so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids