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发表于 2013-4-21 10:47:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Why USA?
To be honest, I had never thought of studying aboard before until the year of 2008, when my sister, Fan Xin, became a Phd student in UC Riverside. Later on, some of my Alumnus applied for the Master programs in USA,too. From their experience, I have learned a lot about the education and life in USA. The education there is of high quality. In order to get A, you have to work hard all the time rather than preparing the exams when exams are coming. It's kind of difficult for students studying there, but you do learn knowledge. And I began to considering studying abord just like they did. I have ever exchange my ideas with some professors in our department. They do appreciate the Phd education in USA, thinking it's the best education in USA. And they highly support me in pursing a Phd degree in Statistics.
Why SMU?
First, I choose your institution because of its distinguished teaching characteristics. As a nationally ranked private university, it is well known for its teaching in small classes and the interaction between students and teachers, which is important to me. In this way, if I was admitted, I could be able to exchange my ideas with my teachers in the daily teachings or in the research. And I choose your institution because of its reputation in statistics. I have been dreaming of being a statistics teacher in the future. To make my dream come true, I should get a PhD Degree in a distinguished university first, which can equip myself with strong theoretical foundation in mathematics, and statistics. I think, SMU is a good choice. I have learned from the website, the department have a long history of education in statistics. And It's education in statistics ranked about 50th in USA.  I believe, its reputation can provide me a platform for launching careers throughout the world. I also learned that there are many opportunities there for students to participate in research practice and internships. Since SMU is located near the heart of Dallas, which is a center of commerce and culture, it can offer me the experience not only on campus but also beyond.
Why statistics
You Know, I am a student majored in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Sometimes, I felt confused about my future. I had no idea about what job I can choose in the future. Working as a teacher in a training school, or being a programmer programming everyday? As an undergraduate student majored in Applied Mathematics before, you can understand my feelings. About two years ago, I found our university-Northeastern University began to provide Master programs in Applied Statistics, and tried to balance the number of students in research-oriented majors and in application-oriented majors. The same event happened in other universities. With the internet, I learned more about the potentials of statistics. There is a booming job market because of the explosion of data. And there is a wide variety of career options for a student majored in statistics. I also noticed that,there is few professors with research area in applied statistics in our nation. I begin to realize what I should do in the future. I want to become a statistics professor like you.
Why teaching?
By the way, my aunt is a math teacher. I have been living with her since I was 14. Under the influence of her, I like the feelings of teaching. I have ever got the first prize in a teaching contest which is hold in my class when I was in middle school. Because of my excellent academic record in classes of Professor Zhang, I am given the chance to be a Teaching Assistant, grading assignment. And It is also worth mention, I was working with my graduation thesis now. Every week, I need to give a lecture about the macroscopic models of traffic flow that I studied for our "Traffic model" team, one professor and 6 students. I really enjoy the time standing in front of the blackboard and sharing what I know with others.
Are there any particular professor would you like to work with?
To be honest, I'd like to work with you. If you want to know the reason, that is because we have something in common. We both majored in Applied Mathematics, and learn a lot about Shandong. Moreover, In terms of the principle that I should choose a fit professor according to my research interest and every professors' research areas, I still want to work with you. In fact, I have learned about every professor' research areas in the department. And I am sorry to say it's hard for me to decide which professor and I match each other. Because with limited knowledge in Statistics, I have no idea about the differences of various research areas. But I also noticed that Your research area is wide, including Original data analysis, High-through data analysis, and Bayesian methodologies and application. Under this circumstances, I think it's wise for me to work with you, learn about your wide research areas in my first years of study and make a decision afterwards. Right?
Tell you the truth, besides SMU, I have applied many other schools in USA, such as UC Irvine, University of Maryland, College Park and the University of Missouri, Columbia. During the process of application, I prepared most materials and completed the whole application process all by myself, rather than completing application by paying money to intermediary companies. So in order to increase the opportunities of being admitted, I applied more schools. Until now, I have received two admissions and one offer. But I have not decided yet. I still wait for your decision.
[学习成绩During my undergraduate studies, I got a steady GPA of nearly 90 for the first three years, ranked second among 67 student in our department. At that time, I got the opportunity to be admitted without exams by the Master program. But I gave it up.
[学习奖励And I had been awarded several scholarships, such as National Scholarship, once, National Encouragement Scholarship,one time, and Outstanding Student Scholarships,with the first prize for three times and the second prize for four times.
Besides the research experience and activities in my resume, I want to update my information.
You know, I was working with my graduation thesis now, It's about macroscopic models of traffic flow. I've chosen this topic in last semester. About six weeks ago, we formed a team, or something like a seminar, with one professor and 6 students in it, Cause we have the same focus in traffic flow. Currently, I am the only student to give lectures, sharing some classic models that I studied weekly. During the lecture, Professor Shao, my adviser, would put forward some questions and let me to explain them in detail. Questions like where does the mechanical model of H.M.Zhang's model come from? I really like this kind of study. It motivates me to learn about not only the contents of the models but also the professors' thoughts of building up his or her models, helping me study deep in the research. Until now, I have talked about eight models. And I found a point where I can put forward my own macroscopic models of traffic flow. To be specific, In H.M.Zhang's paper, for lack of a better choice, he assumed a linear relationship between the speed of the leading car and the relative speed of a vehicle pairs. So I intend to set up a new relationship, maybe setting a power function. By the way, next week, the other two students will give lectures, too.
[TA 经历] September, 2012
[原因In fact, it's impossible for an undergraduate student to worked as a Teaching Assistant in our university. But in order to gain some teaching experience and increase the probability of being admitted by the American universities, I introduced myself to Professor Zhang. Finally, Professor Zhang gave me the opportunity to act as a TA in the Complex-Variable Function and Integral Transform(复变函数与积分变换 ) course, considering my academic performance. I got 96 in his course "Real Variable Analysis" and got 99 in his course "Functional Analysis".
[职责My main responsibilities were grading. I need to collect the students' homework on time and completed grading and return it back next week. I also got the chance to tutor students during the question and answer sessions, of course, under the supervision of Professor Zhang.
[难题When it comes to the challenging part, I think it's about time management and balance of work and study. But I managed to handle it. In fact, It pushes me to learn how to arrange schedule in an efficient way.
[总结All in all, this was a significant experience. It enhanced my understanding of the theories, and gave me a feeling of fulfillment. I really hope to teach as a statistics professor in the future.
[RA经历]Oct. 2010-Dec. 2011
[原因 In the second year of my undergraduate studies, an opportunity showed up for students to participate in professor's research projects. It aimed to enhance the interaction between students and teachers. And I participate in Professor Shao's  research project:Research and Application on the Methods of Solving Linear Systems.
[过程/难题 In the beginning, things were hard for me to understand. At that time, I only learned Advanced Algebra(高等代数), but the research project is mostly concerned with Numerical Analysis(数值分析), including knowledge like Gauss-Seidel iterative methods. So in the beginning, I had to learn Numerical Analysis by myself before my course began.  I have to say, it improved my ability of  self-learning. During that time, I also learned the skills of literature research and summarization. And it help me a lot in my graduation thesis. Professor Shao have witnessed my growth. This may be the reason why Professor Shao believe in my ability and let me read papers about traffic flow directly when I was working with my graduation thesis. While the other student were asked to study the textbook first.
[暑期实践]Aug. 2011-Sept. 2011
[过程It was in the summer of the year 2011. I went to Heze County with other 5 student in different majors. This summer practice is mainly concerned with the left-behind children, or 留守儿童 in Chinese. We carefully designed the questions, investigated families in 6 villages, and communicated with children to know about their psychological and behavioral characters. Whats more, we analyzed the data and get some results. We proposed a report to reflect the serious problems to the local government and put forward some constructive suggestions to improve their living conditions.
It is worth mention that we organized a summer class in an elementary school. The left behind children lived nearby could come to this class and learn something useful or play games with us. In the end of the summer practice, we got a letter and a bunch of paper flowers made by these lovely boys and girls. It was really moving.
Questions: How often did the children contact with their parents? How long did they stay with their parents in a month? Or Please evaluate the children's ability to communicate with others.
Suggestions: The local government can try to organize a summer or winter entertainment place for the left-behind children. In this place, they could be protected from something like abuse.
[总结I was happy that my work was not just passive learning, but had a real benefit in the lives of others.
In addition to my academic studies, I actively participated in numerous extracurricular activities.
As a class monitor, I took up the responsibility for organizing social and volunteer activities. What is worth of mentioning is our cooperation with the School for Children of Migrant Workers in 2011. We tried to tutor the students who had fallen behind in their academic study, talked with them about their personal problems and helped to build their confidence and hope for future. All of us learned a lot and gained pleasure by helping people in need.
Meanwhile, I undertook a position in Student Union, where I further improved my communication skills, developed my leadership and team skills.
The period of participating different activities is also a process of growth.
Personally speaking, I like swimming.
Though lived in Yantai for almost ten years, I have never swam in sea. It's really a pity. When I came to the university, I found There is an indoor swimming pool in our campus. It's cheap and convenient. For us students, it costs only eight yuan to enter and swim there. Of course,for people from outside, it cost more, twenty yuan. So I began to learn swimming, taught by my roommate, a girl from Dalian. With enough practice, I am good at swimming now. But I am not sure whether I have the ability to swim in sea or not.  
I want to ask, Once I was admitted, Could I get any financial support, like working as a Teaching Assistant?
By the way, I am curious about the date when a decision of admission could be made. Can you tell me?
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