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楼主: 一粒黄豆。
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[备考日记] 【老帖新开】奋斗的道路没有尽头之*写作练习*

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-30 20:43:06 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-30 20:47:35 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-30 20:49:57 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-30 20:56:06 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-30 21:09:08 | 只看该作者
这个有点匿害。。。  贴在这里 省的回头又忘记下载了
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-31 09:17:58 | 只看该作者
出分了 29 28 24 27 =108 虽然没能达到自己的dream score,但是没关系,这个分数我已经挺满意的了~ 至少说明了我的说和写还有很大问题,想要在北美混的好,接下来我得自己练说和写了! fighting!

发表于 2013-6-6 07:15:19 | 只看该作者
一粒黄豆。 发表于 2013-5-31 09:17
出分了 29 28 24 27 =108 虽然没能达到自己的dream score,但是没关系,这个分数我已经挺满意的了~ 至少说 ...

哇~ 向你学习~太厉害了~
 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-23 11:53:49 | 只看该作者

------------------------------------THE FIRST POST--------------------------------------------

This is the very first post that kicks off my long journey. And if the future-me look back, this might be so funny as my writing probably suck. However, I believe this is also gonna be a great start. I recently feel so depressed because I don't like my job. I feel that my daily work is not value-adding, and I feel drained every day after work. I thought about giving up my current job and moving into another completely different field that 'suits' me well. I read some books about career and even phycology for help because I was so depressed and need help desperately. But later I realized that there might not be a 'perfect' job that will make me feel just happy. And considering my investments that I already made on time and money, instead of giving up all that I have, which I actually put so much efforts to get, I should really try finding the part in my current job that I like, that energizes me, that inspires me and that allows me to do what I'm good at. So after looking back at works that I've done, I found that I like analyzing problems, building models/templates and presenting my thoughts/opinions through a presentation, memo, documentation and etc. And let's be honest, people who excel at analyzing problems, building models and presenting their ideas successfully are gonna be soooo successful because these are all very valuable skills. So, I'm pretty sure that I'm on the right track - that things I like doing (and now good at or will be good at) will eventually lead me to a successful career and better life. My plan to fix the problem that I have now - I don't like my job - is work on things I like more. For example, I like analyzing problems. Then volunteer when there is a problem and people need help, be proactive, take initiatives and over time, people will come to me when there is a problem that needs good analysis skills and I will build my personal brand and reputation and get more experiences and be better at analyzing. The same idea for 'building models/templates', I just need to seize opportunities at work. However, there is actually one thing that I can practice and get better at during my after-work time, writing. Writing is so important as I move towards a senior position in Tech market. There are so many new regulations coming up for this industry and we as auditors are required to write memos on new rules and write documentation in situations such as after walking through a business process with clients, finding a problem/exception, or just merely explaining something.
The goal of business writing is to convey points/logics to reviewers, often times managers and senior managers, in the most effective and efficient way. I'm gonna use Wall street journal or The Economist as study materials.

I hope you have also learned something or will learn something if you are reading this post. I appreciate any feedback and please feel free to ask any questions about study abroad and job searching or anything.


Chen in Boston, MA
 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-24 03:03:09 | 只看该作者
----------------------Fifteen years after the Concorde last flew, supersonic air travel is back in the aerospace industry’s sights. 【back in sb. sights-重回视野】

Investors, plane makers and equipment suppliers are pushing to revive superfast airliners and business jets. The big questions: Will regulators go along, and will passengers be willing to pay? The Concorde cut the time to fly from New York to London or Paris to about 3½ hours, about half today’s typical journey. But it was an economic failure. 【push to revive -努力使...重生e.g. The Congress push to pass the xx Bill.】【go along-同意 e.g. I'm not sure if he will go along with this.】

The latest efforts, highlighted by exhibits and discussions at the international air show here, reflect support from major aerospace companies, buttressed by promising research into reducing the sonic boom that occurs when planes exceed the speed of sound. 【highlighted by sth-被高亮】【buttressed by sth.被支持】【promising research有前景有希望的研究】

Backers include Boeing Co. BA -0.18%, Lockheed Martin Corp. LMT -1.26%and closely held Colorado startup Boom Technology Inc., which aims to start flying a reduced-size demonstration craft late next year. An initial goal for Boom’s proposed airliner is to slash the time for transcontinental trips by more than half. Round trips between the U.S. West Coast and Asia could be completed within the same day, for business travelers—the plush cabins would offer only premium seats—in a real hurry.

“This was the future we were all promised,” said Steven Isakowitz, president of Aerospace Corp., a nonprofit think tank for the Pentagon. In an interview earlier this month he cited both technical advances and “extremely interesting” NASA research into reducing the shock wave and noise. 【we were promised 我们被承诺. e.g. We were promised to have flying cars by 2020.】


alright... this didn't really work, i mean, copy and paste WSJ here might not be legally allowed as this is the fresh new article today and people has to pay to subscribe in order to read it. In addition to that, I've been wasting a lot of time on copying and pasting and adding explanation after the paragraph. It's not sustainable if my work schedule gets busier and I barely have time to read. So, i'm not gonna keep doing this. I might need to read on my Kindle and just highlight whatever catches my eyes and I might later export them into a single file and post it here. Sounds like a good idea.

 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-25 11:27:55 | 只看该作者
今日份阅读 7/24/2018
今天采取 ‘截取我认为精彩句子’的方法,然后在最后一句话点出新闻主旨,算是补充一点行业见识。
Wall Street money managers are having problems hanging onto insurance companies as customers. [hang onto sth = to retain sth]
Six other insurers beyond AIG and MetLife also reduced their holdings in 2017,... [beyong sth= other than xxx]
However, the hedge fund industry is in no danger of running out of customers,...[in danger of]
..., the funds have struggled to do better than low-cost, passive investment products that track indexes such as the S& 500 [struggle to do sth= have difficulty doing sth]
It said in 2016 it would cut the portfolio in half. [cut sth in half= decrease sth by half]
AIG's net investment income during the first quarter dropped 27.3% as compared to the same period a year earlier. [the same period a year earlier=去年同期]


One of the first issues Mike Manley will likely have to address as Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV's new chief executive is a lingering problem from his old job: a slow-moving redesign of the Ram 1500 truck. [one of the first issues xxx will likely have to address is xxx] [lingering problem=problem that has existed for a while] [slow-moving]
Manufacturing delays have hobbled the launch of ... [hobble=to hamper or restrict]
Sales of Ram trucks and Jeep SUVs are critical to Fiat Chrysler, accounting for what UBS estimates is 80% of the company's profits. [sth is critical to sb] [sth account for 80% of sth]
The success of those two brands is a big part of Fiat Chrysler's revival and likely helped vault Mr. Manley, who most recently led Jeep and Ram, into the job of CEO. [revival=restoration to life] [vault sb into sth=To attain some position as if by leaping suddenly or vigorously: With the sale of the company, the founders vaulted intoa position of wealth.]
Mr. Manley must grapple with several changes roiling the global auto industry, such as a shift toward electric and self-driving technologies, as well as heightened tensions between the U.S. and its major trading partners over tariffs.  [grapple with=fight] [roiling=disturbing] [shift toward sth] [heightened tensions between sb and sb=加剧的紧张局势:heightened tensions between country x and country y over pandas]
Fiat Chrysler also has been dogged by a series of recalls and ... [dogged by=If you are dogged by something, you are followed or pursued or accompanied relentlessly, persistently, by something, and usually the something is undesired. 中文解释就是:阴魂不散]
The Ram competes against Ford Motor Co. and General Motors Co. in a highly profitable full-size pickup segment, which has seen average selling prices far outstrip other categories, surging nearly 35% since 2010 to more than $43,000. [compete against sb in a highly profitable segment 好句,工作中介绍客户背景可以用这句] [outsrip=surpass] [surge 30%=increase by 30%]
Those delays appear to be weighing on Fiat Chrysler's truck sales. [weigh on=to cause problem for someone or something]
Several analysts say those issues carried over into the second quarter...[issues carried over into the second quarter: the accounting estimate errors carried over into current year financial statements]
Those continuing issues with the new Ram are a blemish on what should be an otherwise healthy earnings report card. [should be an otherwise healthy earnings=should be an healthy earning if it's not because of it]
...buyers are expecting more from their truck, raising the demand for comfort, convenience and entertainment features. [demand for sth]

summary: Fiat Chrysler 新CEO上任伊始就遭遇公司危机:新产品推出滞后,第一季度利润不及华尔街预期;第一季度的这些问题将会持续影响第二季度。


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