一点点思路供参考。。 1.Claim本身:What's is the surest indicator of a great nation ? Is it the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists or anything else? 2.Reason本身:Great achievements by a nation's rulers, artists, or scientists will ensure a good life for the majority of that nation's people. For example,Apple and Microsoft that make USA always the most powerful giant in IT field across the world.(Great achievements 负面影响的例子,我暂时木想到  。。) 3. the welfare of the people, economic development or militry power are all indicators of evatuating a nation, therefore it is difficult to conclude what is the surest way of a great nation. 暂时想到肿么多,LL有好的想法请共享,thx~ -- by 会员 rukawa (2013/3/19 19:14:30)
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