Both schools are regional, so you’ll likely be either in Southern California (LA, San Diego) or Texas (Houston, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio). In addition to scholarship, you should consider the full cost of attendance and earning potential. UT has lower tuition and significantly lower living expense. When you are working, UCLA may have slight advantage on average salary; however, you need to take into consideration cost of living AND California has personal income tax (Texas does not). As far as employment opportunity for international students in management consulting or internal strategy, you should reach out to the Asian MBA student club to find out a bit more about the situation at each school. My experience is that MC will often sponsor visas, but industry (internal consulting) typically do not sponsor visa. There are exceptions, for example, Dell sponsors visas, and Dell has an internal consulting group. -- by 会员 asimov1 (2013/2/28 2:43:25)
至于DUKE的兄台,我忍不住想说,英文果然好,兄台肯定是去了顶儿尖儿的牛逼公司,必然是我们UCLA或者MCCOMBS这种regional school的人仰望不及的大牛公司。不过,我在北美时间比您稍微长那么一点点,还真第一次听说UCLA或者UT AUSTIN是regional school,似乎美国人都很少这么说,不知道这是不是DUKE所推崇的"独创性" |