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求校友答疑 Anderson 40K VS McCombs $unkown,欢迎讨论

发表于 2013-2-28 13:19:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-3-8 15:29:53 | 只看该作者

Both schools are regional, so you’ll likely be either in Southern California (LA, San Diego) or Texas (Houston, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio).

In addition to scholarship, you should consider the full cost of attendance and earning potential. UT has lower tuition and significantly lower living expense. When you are working, UCLA may have slight advantage on average salary; however, you need to take into consideration cost of living AND California has personal income tax (Texas does not).

As far as employment opportunity for international students in management consulting or internal strategy, you should reach out to the Asian MBA student club to find out a bit more about the situation at each school. My experience is that MC will often sponsor visas, but industry (internal consulting) typically do not sponsor visa. There are exceptions, for example, Dell sponsors visas, and Dell has an internal consulting group.
-- by 会员 asimov1 (2013/2/28 2:43:25)


至于DUKE的兄台,我忍不住想说,英文果然好,兄台肯定是去了顶儿尖儿的牛逼公司,必然是我们UCLA或者MCCOMBS这种regional school的人仰望不及的大牛公司。不过,我在北美时间比您稍微长那么一点点,还真第一次听说UCLA或者UT AUSTIN是regional school,似乎美国人都很少这么说,不知道这是不是DUKE所推崇的"独创性"
发表于 2013-3-8 15:32:30 | 只看该作者

1. McCombs奖学金还没出,这个学校给奖学金大方吗?()
2. 对中国人而言,想留住美国,LA和Austin 哪个更好找工作? 学校在当地的影响力和校友的给力程度如何?
3. 如果是回国,是不是UCLA的影响力和校友群体都会稍大?

-- by 会员 bingbbaobei (2013/2/27 16:22:09)

能源去AUSTIN, IT来LA,除非你对DELL和AMD有兴趣,不过这2家现在的情况也不是很好进,具体不解释。。。

-- by 会员 iunknown (2013/2/28 0:29:25)

发表于 2013-3-9 09:50:29 | 只看该作者
S16的UCLA给你奖了,你还用想?反过来你想想还差不多。 说实话,UCLA在南加,是很有势力的,这个学校的MBA已经足够让你申请任何LA的公司,你去看看anderson的就业,基本在南加都是一统天下的。如果你拿不到面试,就是你pre-MBA背景不够或者身份的原因,你就是换个M7的MBA学位依旧拿不到。而且LA毕竟是美国第二大城市,机会相对多得多。你就是回亚洲,UCLA的势力也不容易小视。
发表于 2013-3-9 13:12:00 | 只看该作者

Both schools are regional, so you’ll likely be either in Southern California (LA, San Diego) or Texas (Houston, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio).

In addition to scholarship, you should consider the full cost of attendance and earning potential. UT has lower tuition and significantly lower living expense. When you are working, UCLA may have slight advantage on average salary; however, you need to take into consideration cost of living AND California has personal income tax (Texas does not).

As far as employment opportunity for international students in management consulting or internal strategy, you should reach out to the Asian MBA student club to find out a bit more about the situation at each school. My experience is that MC will often sponsor visas, but industry (internal consulting) typically do not sponsor visa. There are exceptions, for example, Dell sponsors visas, and Dell has an internal consulting group.
-- by 会员 asimov1 (2013/2/28 2:43:25)


至于DUKE的兄台,我忍不住想说,英文果然好,兄台肯定是去了顶儿尖儿的牛逼公司,必然是我们UCLA或者MCCOMBS这种regional school的人仰望不及的大牛公司。不过,我在北美时间比您稍微长那么一点点,还真第一次听说UCLA或者UT AUSTIN是regional school,似乎美国人都很少这么说,不知道这是不是DUKE所推崇的"独创性"
-- by 会员 amorela (2013/3/8 15:29:53)

作为UT AUSTIN的学生,我想说UT 和UCLA确实都是regional schools, 在德州外,UT 没什么名气,在加州外,UCLA名气也不是很大。
发表于 2013-3-9 14:36:49 | 只看该作者
Both schools are regional, so you’ll likely be either in Southern California (LA, San Diego) or Texas (Houston, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio).

In addition to scholarship, you should consider the full cost of attendance and earning potential. UT has lower tuition and significantly lower living expense. When you are working, UCLA may have slight advantage on average salary; however, you need to take into consideration cost of living AND California has personal income tax (Texas does not).

As far as employment opportunity for international students in management consulting or internal strategy, you should reach out to the Asian MBA student club to find out a bit more about the situation at each school. My experience is that MC will often sponsor visas, but industry (internal consulting) typically do not sponsor visa. There are exceptions, for example, Dell sponsors visas, and Dell has an internal consulting group.
-- by 会员 asimov1 (2013/2/28 2:43:25)


至于DUKE的兄台,我忍不住想说,英文果然好,兄台肯定是去了顶儿尖儿的牛逼公司,必然是我们UCLA或者MCCOMBS这种regional school的人仰望不及的大牛公司。不过,我在北美时间比您稍微长那么一点点,还真第一次听说UCLA或者UT AUSTIN是regional school,似乎美国人都很少这么说,不知道这是不是DUKE所推崇的"独创性"
-- by 会员 amorela (2013/3/8 15:29:53)

作为UT AUSTIN的学生,我想说UT 和UCLA确实都是regional schools, 在德州外,UT 没什么名气,在加州外,UCLA名气也不是很大。
-- by 会员 mengkqkaka (2013/3/9 13:12:00)

我觉得UCLA名气已经够大了啊,连你这样的regional school出来的人都有胆子给UCLA带个regional school的帽子,名气还不大么,呵呵

还有那位“When you are working, UCLA may have slight advantage on average salary”的杜克大爷,哥是被你坚持说英语,用英语,的精神打动了,不代表哥不想喷你。。。

墨子说:“现在有一个人,丢掉自己的彩饰马车,却想偷邻居的破车子;丢掉自己的华丽衣裳,却想偷邻居的粗布衣,这是个什么人呢?”楚王不假思索地答道“这个人一定有偷窃病吧!” 作为智力正常的,不标榜所谓的globalization的UCLAer, 虽然我们的career center也发动我们走出去,但是很少有人愿意去某些global school的所在地。所以只有DUKE的学生来LA讨食吃,很少见UCLA的学生去北卡做工。结果去被某些大爷说成regional school,也罢。。也罢。。。
发表于 2013-3-9 15:07:43 | 只看该作者

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Both schools are regional, so you’ll likely be either in Southern California (LA, San Diego) or Texas (Houston, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio).<br /><br />In addition to scholarship, you should consider the full cost of attendance and earning potential. UT has lower tuition and significantly lower living expense. When you are working, UCLA may have slight advantage on average salary; however, you need to take into consideration cost of living AND California has personal income tax (Texas does not).<br /><br />As far as employment opportunity for international students in management consulting or internal strategy, you should reach out to the Asian MBA student club to find out a bit more about the situation at each school. My experience is that MC will often sponsor visas, but industry (internal consulting) typically do not sponsor visa. There are exceptions, for example, Dell sponsors visas, and Dell has an internal consulting group. <div style="text-align:right;">-- by 会员 <u>asimov1</u> (2013/2/28 2:43:25)</div><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br />UCLA和MCCOMBS各有千秋,看LZ的喜好和LONG TERM GOAL了。<br /><br />至于DUKE的兄台,我忍不住想说,英文果然好,兄台肯定是去了顶儿尖儿的牛逼公司,必然是我们UCLA或者MCCOMBS这种regional school的人仰望不及的大牛公司。不过,我在北美时间比您稍微长那么一点点,还真第一次听说UCLA或者UT AUSTIN是regional school,似乎美国人都很少这么说,不知道这是不是DUKE所推崇的&quot;独创性&quot;<div style="text-align:right;">-- by 会员 <u>amorela</u> (2013/3/8 15:29:53)</div><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br />作为UT AUSTIN的学生,我想说UT 和UCLA确实都是regional schools, 在德州外,UT 没什么名气,在加州外,UCLA名气也不是很大。<div style="text-align:right;">-- by 会员 <u>mengkqkaka</u> (2013/3/9 13:12:00)</div><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br />我觉得UCLA名气已经够大了啊,连你这样的regional school出来的人都有胆子给UCLA带个regional school的帽子,名气还不大么,呵呵<br /><br />还有那位“When you are working, UCLA may have slight advantage on average salary”的杜克大爷,哥是被你坚持说英语,用英语,的精神打动了,不代表哥不想喷你。。。<br /><br />墨子说:“现在有一个人,丢掉自己的彩饰马车,却想偷邻居的破车子;丢掉自己的华丽衣裳,却想偷邻居的粗布衣,这是个什么人呢?”楚王不假思索地答道“这个人一定有偷窃病吧!” 作为智力正常的,不标榜所谓的globalization的UCLAer, 虽然我们的career center也发动我们走出去,但是很少有人愿意去某些global school的所在地。所以只有DUKE的学生来LA讨食吃,很少见UCLA的学生去北卡做工。结果去被某些大爷说成regional school,也罢。。也罢。。。<div style="text-align:right;">-- by 会员 <u>iunknown</u> (2013/3/9 14:36:49)</div><br />
发表于 2013-3-9 15:56:00 | 只看该作者
Both schools are regional, so you’ll likely be either in Southern California (LA, San Diego) or Texas (Houston, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio).

In addition to scholarship, you should consider the full cost of attendance and earning potential. UT has lower tuition and significantly lower living expense. When you are working, UCLA may have slight advantage on average salary; however, you need to take into consideration cost of living AND California has personal income tax (Texas does not).

As far as employment opportunity for international students in management consulting or internal strategy, you should reach out to the Asian MBA student club to find out a bit more about the situation at each school. My experience is that MC will often sponsor visas, but industry (internal consulting) typically do not sponsor visa. There are exceptions, for example, Dell sponsors visas, and Dell has an internal consulting group.
-- by 会员 asimov1 (2013/2/28 2:43:25)


至于DUKE的兄台,我忍不住想说,英文果然好,兄台肯定是去了顶儿尖儿的牛逼公司,必然是我们UCLA或者MCCOMBS这种regional school的人仰望不及的大牛公司。不过,我在北美时间比您稍微长那么一点点,还真第一次听说UCLA或者UT AUSTIN是regional school,似乎美国人都很少这么说,不知道这是不是DUKE所推崇的"独创性"
-- by 会员 amorela (2013/3/8 15:29:53)

作为UT AUSTIN的学生,我想说UT 和UCLA确实都是regional schools, 在德州外,UT 没什么名气,在加州外,UCLA名气也不是很大。
-- by 会员 mengkqkaka (2013/3/9 13:12:00)

楼上这位号称UT AUSTIN的朋友,想问您是不是MCCOMBS的MBA的学生?如果是MCCOMBS的MBA,应该不会说出“除了德州,UT没什么名气“这种话。MCCOMBS MBA的就业率即使在今年来说,也不算太差,而且每年很多人都在加州或者纽约或者其他国家工作,MBA不过是个平台,最后拼的是人品不是牌子。

至于之前那说英文的杜克兄弟,今年你们杜克也有不少人冲着AUSTIN,DALLAS和HOUSTON滚滚而来了,这让我们这种REGIONAL SCHOOL的人有点儿受宠若惊了。
发表于 2013-3-9 23:24:01 | 只看该作者

UCLA DUKE AUSTIN都是一个档次的学校 看你自己喜欢在什么地方生活吧
发表于 2013-3-10 02:49:07 | 只看该作者

UCLA DUKE AUSTIN都是一个档次的学校 看你自己喜欢在什么地方生活吧
-- by 会员 HarrisZheng (2013/3/9 23:24:01)

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