22. Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than are fungi, in the form of carbon dioxide, and converting it to energy-rich sugars. (A) Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than are fungi, (B) Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than fungi, (C) Plants are more efficientthan fungi at acquiring carbon, (D) Plants, more efficientthan fungi at acquiring carbon, (E) Plants acquirecarbon more efficiently than fungi, 本题的考点是比较结构吗?more。。than。。两边对等在这题中如何体现啊?本人对more。。than。。等比较结构方面的知识搞不太懂,请各位大神指点啊,谢谢啦~
我og13才刚过了一遍,就说我的理解,你谨慎采纳就好:这道题应该是考了comparison和modifiers两个知识点: 1、more。。。than。。。是比较的标志,这里将plants与fungi,比较了二者在acquire carbon上的efficience。 2、同时,在对待划线部分时要考虑到不划线部分“in the form of carbon dioxide”所要修饰的是carbon而不是比较的二者,这儿考了修饰。 比较的知识点建议你看看manhattan 5th的SC部分,简单说一下,more than是一种commom comparison signal,见到它就要想到比较考点出现的可能性,比较时注意所要比较的二者必须logically parallel,也就是说必须得比较similar things,同时所比较的二者必须structurally parallel。 举例:Bethoven‘s music,which broke。。。(无关从句省略),is considered MORE revolutionary THAN Bach。 乍看是对的句子,其实是不对的:这句话要比较什么?是比较贝多芬和巴赫还是贝多芬的音乐和巴赫的音乐? 所以最后要改为Bethoven‘s music,which broke。。。(无关从句省略),is considered MORE revolutionary THAN Bach’s。(Bach's music的music可省略。因为比较的都是music,前面music已经出现) 本题中比较的是plants和fungi,原句中将plants 与 are fungi做比较显然有误。
灰常感谢~如果先不考虑in the form of carbon dioxide 的修饰问题,那A,B,E三个选项的more。。than。。结构分别存在什么问题啊?谢谢~ (A) Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than are fungi, (B) Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than fungi, (E) Plants acquire carbon more efficiently than fungi,
我觉得这题你要先从句意入手去想,而不是一开始就focus on那个more than的比较结构: 1)这个句子描述了Plants的两个性质,be efficient at acquiring和be converting it to energy-rich sugars,用and进行连接。因此可以马上根据句子结构不完整or缺乏与converting平行的对象而排除D和E 2)然后再看A,B,C。A中are fungi没有必要进行倒装且in the form of carbon dioxide就近修饰了fungi,逻辑上不正确;B中fungi有和carbon相比较的歧义;C中fungi和plants相比较,介词短语in the form of carbon dioxide也正确地紧邻其修饰对象carbon。清楚无歧义。
灰常感谢~如果先不考虑in the form of carbon dioxide 的修饰问题,那A,B,E三个选项的more。。than。。结构分别存在什么问题啊?谢谢~ (A) Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than are fungi, (B) Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than fungi, (E) Plants acquire carbon more efficiently than fungi,