120. The WorldWildlife Fund has delcared that global warming, a phenomenon most scientistsagree to be caused by human beings in burning fossil fuels, will createhavoc among migratory bird by altering the environmeng in ways harmful to theirhabitats. (A)a phenomenon most scientistsagree to be caused by human beings in burning fossil fuels, (B) a phenomenon mostscientists agree that is caused by fossil fuels burned by human beings, (C) a phenomenonthat most scientists agree is caused by human beings’ burning of fossil fuels, (D) which mostscientists agree on as a phenomenon caused by human beings who burn fossil fuels, (E) which mostscientists agree to be a phenomenon caused by fossil fuels burned by humanbeings,
我记得og上曾经说过“双重所有格”不对,human beings’ burning of fossil fuels就是双重所有格,为什么这里对了?怎么判断何时对何时错呢? 求大神解答啊,不胜感激~
双重所有格的定义不是这个。。。类似于the brother of my father's才是双重所有格,是错误的,因为只要the brother of my father或者是my father's brother就可以,这里的不算双重所有格~因为human being's完全是修饰burning的形容词,这里直接看成burning of fossil fuels就行了~~
双重所有格的定义不是这个。。。类似于the brother of my father's才是双重所有格,是错误的,因为只要the brother of my father或者是my father's brother就可以,这里的不算双重所有格~因为human being's完全是修饰burning的形容词,这里直接看成burning of fossil fuels就行了~~