The thirteen original British colonies in North America, some formed as commercial ventures, others as religious havens, each had a written charter that set forth its form of government and the rights of the colonists. 不瞒楼主,同位语的具体含义我一直都不清楚。。。 但是,我认为,本句的主干是: 13 colonies each had a written.... 主语和动词之间的some formed as commercial ventures, others as religious havens部分,正如句子的标点符号所示,被逗号隔开,可以不算做句子成分。 既然如此,如果在each之前加一个and,这个and一定是连接两个逻辑上并列的东西,由此看来似不妥。。
some...others就是固定用法啊,我类了神马。。。。。还用什么and啊。。。。比如说更加复杂的用法:I have got 100 roses,Some are sent to my sisters,Some are sent to my parents,the others are sent to my girlfriend. 都是一样的啊
some...others就是固定用法啊,我类了神马。。。。。还用什么and啊。。。。比如说更加复杂的用法:I have got 100 roses,Some are sent to my sisters,Some are sent to my parents,the others are sent to my girlfriend. 都是一样的啊
some...others就是固定用法啊,我类了神马。。。。。还用什么and啊。。。。比如说更加复杂的用法:I have got 100 roses,Some are sent to my sisters,Some are sent to my parents,the others are sent to my girlfriend. 都是一样的啊