26. (25911-!-item-!-188;#058&002160)
The investigations of many psychologists and anthropologists support the generalization of
there being little that is a significant difference in the underlying mental processes manifested by
people from different cultures.
(A) of there being little that is a significant difference
(B) of there being little that is significantly different
(C) of little that is significantly different
(D) that there is little that is significantly different
(E) that there is little of significant differences
考点: 简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction)
1) 宾语从句强调整体, 谓语+宾语结构只强调宾语 参考17题
(A) of there being代替that同位语从句表达复杂,笨拙并且不符合习惯.
(B) 错误同A选项
(C) 错误同A选项
(D) 正确, 用that同位语从句清楚地解释了generalization的内容
(E) significant differences在这里可以理解为有重要意义的区别,也可以理解为重要的区别,因此不
句子结构: The investigations of…and anthropologists support the generalization that there is…
-- by 会员 hongzhu32 (2012/12/21 6:50:54)
meaning: 許多p和a的研究都支持一個一般化的結論,就是不同文化的人表現出來的根本的心理過程是沒什麼不同的。
1、little用法 【just for ur reference~~】
Little can be used in the following ways:
as a
determiner (followed by a noun): There's little time left. ? Little progress has been made.
as a
pronoun: They have very little, but what they have, they share. (after 'a'): Yes, I'd like some tea – but just a little. (followed by 'of'): Little of the original building has survived. ? Can I take a little of this sugar? (after 'the'): The little I know won't be of much use to you.
as an
adverb: I go there very little. ? I'm little affected by the cold. (after 'a'): He talked a little about his childhood.
2、根據上面的解釋,little of的用法是正確的,但是【little of + noun】這個整體表示的應該是不可數的概念。E項differences是一個複數名詞,如果要用也應該是該為few of significant differences. 還有,there is要改成there are,因為differences是plural。
-- by 会员 TerraceHo (2012/12/24 18:47:24)
想问一下D中第二个that是做谁的定语从句?我看不出来了。。。。= =