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发表于 2004-11-15 11:31:00 | 只看该作者


18. Learning how to build a nest plays an important part in the breeding success of birds. For example, Dr. Snow has recorded the success of a number of blackbirds in several successive years. He finds that birds nesting for the first time are less successful in breeding than are older birds, and also less successful than they themselves are a year later. This cannot be a mere matter of size and strength, since blackbirds, like the great majority of birds, are fully grown when they leave the nest. it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that they benefit by their nesting experience.

Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument?

(A) Blackbirds build better nests than other birds.

(B) The capacity of blackbirds to lay viable eggs increases with each successive trial during the first few years of reproduction.

(C) The breeding success of birds nesting for the second time is greater than that of birds nesting for the first time.

(D) Smaller and weaker blackbirds breed just as successfully as bigger and stronger blackbirds.

(E) Up to 25 percent of all birds are killed by predators before they start to nest.


发表于 2004-11-15 12:33:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用concong在2004-11-15 11:31:00的发言:

18. Learning how to build a nest plays an important part in the breeding success of birds. For example, Dr. Snow has recorded the success of a number of blackbirds in several successive years. He finds that birds nesting for the first time are less successful in breeding than are older birds, and also less successful than they themselves are a year later. This cannot be a mere matter of size and strength, since blackbirds, like the great majority of birds, are fully grown when they leave the nest. it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that they benefit by their nesting experience.

学习如何筑巢是成功生育下一代鸟的重要部分。比如:Dr.Snow连续多年纪录了大量山鸟成功生育的例子。他发现第一年筑巢的鸟在生育小鸟上不如老鸟成功,也不如它们本身几年后成功。 这不仅仅是因为那些鸟的大小和力量的原因,因为山鸟和大多数的鸟类一样,在出巢后就完全成熟了。 所以这个现象很难排出鸟的生育成功率和他们筑巢的经验有关。

Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument?

(A) Blackbirds build better nests than other birds.

(B) The capacity of blackbirds to lay viable eggs increases with each successive trial during the first few years of reproduction.

(C) The breeding success of birds nesting for the second time is greater than that of birds nesting for the first time.

(D) Smaller and weaker blackbirds breed just as successfully as bigger and stronger blackbirds.

(E) Up to 25 percent of all birds are killed by predators before they start to nest.


 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-15 16:07:00 | 只看该作者
主要是这句“This cannot be a mere matter of size and strength, since blackbirds, like the great majority of birds, are fully grown when they leave the nest.” 字面意思明白,但是在整个句子,它与结论有什么关系?
发表于 2004-11-15 23:10:00 | 只看该作者


这句排出了山鸟和其他鸟类生育成功率低是由于鸟的体积和力量的因素。是个他因排出。要找的其他因素可以削弱结论就可以了。 B给出了理由,说山鸟的每次生育鸟的数量在第一年后大量增长,这个就给出了鸟类自己的生育能力增长才是生育成功比例增加的原因,而不是和筑巢经验有关,所以削弱了结论。
发表于 2019-8-8 18:57:45 | 只看该作者
concong 发表于 2004-11-15 11:31
18. Learning how to build a nest plays an important part in the breeding success of birds. For examp ...

Spot the question types: Weaken

Breeding success of birds ---> Learning how to build a nest  ---> nesting experiences ---> Correlation must be correct.

So, What if they don't know how to build a nest but either know how to protect the eggs or increase their foods ?

Meanwhile, does black bird sufficient enough to serve as the sample representing the whole group ?

Anyway let us see the answer given

A. It does not weaken, black birds know better does not mean the other birds do not know " good "

B. Apparently give you the other reason why the reproduction rate = breeding success ratio is high ( Because the amount of the eggs is more )

C. Support

D. Support

E. Support
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