385. In its most recent approach, the comet Crommelin passed the Earth at about the same distance and in about the same position, some 25 degrees above the horizon, that Halley’s comet will pass the next time it appears. (A) that Halley’s comet will pass (B) that Halley’s comet is to be passing (C) as Halley’s comet (D) as will Halley’s comet (E) as Halley’s comet will do
白勇解释中对C的解释是 “在at the same distance as Halley's comet/in the same position as Halley's comet中 比较对象不对等"这句话怎么理解? 本来能理解为原句说的是Crommelin pass 的状态 和 Halley's comet 的状态的比较要对等 但是这句话的意思是说C的选项 Crommelin 和 at the sam distance as H'comet 或者是和in the same position as H' comet 的比较对象不对等么? 一个是动作和一个是名词的比较不对等么?还是at the same distance as Halley's comet和in the same distance as Halley's comet不对等? 问的好长 求解释~~~
谢谢昂 D是distance和position在两次先后行为中的差异 相当于后面是as halley's comet will pass the Earth(关于距离和位置)the next time it appears.这样意思嘛 还有个will为啥提前?as Halley's comet will可以么